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67.3 hrs on record (48.4 hrs at review time)
Great game with some performance issues. The story is mediocre, but still better than previous MH games.
Hunting feels great. They say, is easy, but for me it's just right, especially for the higher monsters. Some angler and endemic life quests can take a while, if you are unlucky. The UI is as always complex and clunky.
In the end it still makes fun to play.
Posted 22 March.
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56.3 hrs on record
Nice Story with some turns. Beautiful space scenery and good graphics. Somtimes I noticed FPS drops. The game is and can be a bit of a grind. Different ships, weapons, items and skills can be used. Even with a controller I had some aiming problems, but maybe it's on me. Areas can be small, big and have puzzles or challenges. Travel between location is a bit boring. Later in game you can fast travel to certain locations, but still have to slow travel vom there to the exact location you need/want to be.
I can recommend it, but be aware for the grind and sometimes difficulty, but you can change that every time.
Posted 26 January.
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28.2 hrs on record (27.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The increase of the difficulty makes the game slower, but also different than PoE1. You need to craft, buy new items at vendors or have good drops. If you have luck the game is OK, but if not it can get anoying. In Act 3 the elemental and poison/chaos is often too much for a leveling area, when you don't get the resistances you want and need. If that happens you can get frustrated. It really need some balancing in that part. I don't mind a certain difficulty, but sometimes it's just ridiculously overpowered (Programmed death). Also be aware of on death triggers and traps. Always stay a away for a few seconds from magic and rare monster after they die.

I hope the game gets faster if we have to replay the campaign every new League.

Graphics are good and the game runs smooth. I didn't experience crashes, but some did.
Posted 8 December, 2024. Last edited 15 December, 2024.
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2.4 hrs on record
Nice game, but not really my genre. Maybe in time I can get in to it.
Posted 19 November, 2024.
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45.8 hrs on record (45.7 hrs at review time)
The career mode has a little story, different parks and themes, it's cute. Graphics are suitable and it runs mostly fine, except if it's raining, but also when the park reaches a certain grow.
The UI is clunky which lead to weird paths tracks and connections. I don't like the power, water and staff management, it's in the game, but doesn't really add to it. I encountered few small bugs, but no crashes, so far.
Also who refers to a Patch as a free Update? It's weird, right? OK, there are some things they probably wanted to add, but they didn't manage to finish them in time. It's still weird to name it that way.
Overall it's fun to play, if you can get use to the clunky UI and sometimes performance issues.
Posted 10 November, 2024. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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50.1 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
Graphics very good (Last story mission has a bit of a FPS drop)
Art design very good
I hope you have a powerful Machine-God who can run it max (pray).
Story is a bit disappointing, but staged well.
Hack and Slash, lots of monsters (even you are one somehow)
3-player co-op incl. special co-op operations and character leveling
PvP, if you want.

WH40K has a big lore, if you are interested. It can help if you read or listen to some lore about Space Marines (Ultramarines/Deathwatch), Chaos/Warp, Xenos, Tyranids and maybe a bit from Space Marine (1), but there is not big of a need. Other factions: The Inqusition, Imerial Guard and Mechanicum (Eldar,Necrons, Tau Empire, Orcs).

For the Emperor.
Posted 12 September, 2024. Last edited 14 September, 2024.
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17.0 hrs on record
Lovely point and click adventure. Sadly the creator and lead designer Benoît Sokal passed away. Hopefully the series get another title. I like the series.It has a beautiful story meet up and downs, even unexpected twists. The steampunk Vaghen is well done and offers gorgeous views. The graphics are nice, but I had some hair lighting bugs (glimmering hair lines). There is no skip option if you click on something several time you have to listen, or watch it again. Lucky the scenes aren't that long. The puzzles aren't that hard eather. If you love the previous games you'll love this, too. You can still play and understand it even if you didn't played the previous ones, but expect a few weird things.
Posted 7 July, 2024.
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7.0 hrs on record
Cozy game, if there weren't bloodthirsty ticks, or what they are. Play and behave like a cat. "Meow"
Graphics are good, game works fine and the gameplay is good. Puzzles are easy. It's lineare, but has some bigger areas to explore, too. A bit of a sad story, but nicely done. I had 7 hours in the first playthrough. I can recommend it.
Posted 5 July, 2024. Last edited 5 July, 2024.
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69.6 hrs on record (24.9 hrs at review time)
Fun for a few hours, but that's that. Colossi are boring and just bullet sponges no need for skill, just damage check. Some hinder your story progress. Drop Rates are weird, you have more chance on a 5% item than a 38%. At a point your progress will stagnate, because of that (my experience). Sure you can buy stuff, but it will not help much. I still give a thumbs up, maybe for people who like farming a lot to improve the character. At least the game shows where the items you want drop.
Posted 2 July, 2024. Last edited 3 August, 2024.
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9.9 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Top graphics and atmosphere, but my PC struggles with particles and sometimes light effects witch results in FPS drops (From 40 to 15). Lowering some parameters will help, but I still had som FPS-drops. If it happens during fight it's anyoing (somtimes 8FPS). It's wellcomming linear after a lot of open worlds. Small and easy puzzles so far, like in the first one. We have to understand that Senua has a psychosis, it's all about shapes and inner voices (In game representet like ASMR). That's also part oft the world and experience.If you finish you can find an interesting video about the game in the Extras menu. So far I can recommend it and it's a must if you liked the first one, but this time there is no Hell
Posted 28 May, 2024. Last edited 31 May, 2024.
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