Marvelous Mr. Maxvell
Raymond Luxury-Yacht   Iowa, United States
Anything and Everything You Possibly Need and Want to Know About Me:

(Bonus points if you know how to pronounce my real name.)

:rainbow: Gay :rainbow:
A Homosexuality Test dialed me up to a Gay 8 (Mostly Homosexual, Incidentally Heterosexual), so ladies, if you want some of this you need to get me to slip on a banana peel first.

:groucho: Funny :groucho:
Only to myself, not to anyone else. If you want to laugh, go elsewhere.

:steamsalty: Sarcastic :steamsalty:
I take things too literally and I scratch back, like the proverbial kitty.

:profgenki: Nerd :profgenki:
Here's my Pokemon dream team:
- Spiritomb
- Crawdaunt
- Deoxys
- Weezing
- Beheeyem
- Mr. Mime

If you don't like any of these cool dudes, you are scientifically proven to suck.

:approved: Music :denied:
Rap is more dead than B.I.G., so the future is Neil Cicierega. Anything and everything by him is wndrfl. (This is a reference to one of his songs.)


I wrote some funny Guides for you Guy-des. Badum *tss*

The Homicidal Healer in You (How to Medic)

On the Origin of Medic's (Darwin's Official Report on Medics)
Currently Offline
Lookie Here Fellas!
The Plucky Papyrus Pals:
:papyruswacky: The Type 'A Guy
:papyruswacky: ABC's
:papyruswacky: Owstin Drahan
:papyruswacky: maS
:papyruswacky: Anime-niac
:toriel: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Penis

:UltimateChameleon: MEMORABLE MEMORIES :UltimateChameleon:

Quote 1
(JR's Favorite.)
My nephew wanted to go to Coldstone, so we didn't!

Quote 2
(JR again.)
Me: You eat lettuce with your eyes?
JR: You don't?

Quote 3
(Talking with JR again.)
JR: I'm NOW gonna do the thing
JR: Ok?
JR: Ok
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Why are you having sex with the Fantastic Four's Hulk?
JR: Shush
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: You're going to DO the THING?
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: That's gross
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I thought we were above this

Quote 4
(Hoss is telling awful jokes.)
Hossᶜʷᵍ: A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I mean, he's probably having sex
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Dyslexic men get all the "♥♥♥♥♥"
Hossᶜʷᵍ: Shut up, oh my God
Hossᶜʷᵍ: You're killing the already dead jokes
Hossᶜʷᵍ: You're stabbing a dead corpse
Hossᶜʷᵍ: Stop.
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I mean, I have to have fun somehnow
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I'm a sadistic son-of-a-gun
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: An M4 to be exact
Hossᶜʷᵍ: .....
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: You see
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: THAT'S a joke

Quote 5
(JR and I have the funniest conversations.)
JR: At first, I thought it was blow and a razor
JR: Turns out it's salt

Quote 6
(Hoss knows.)
Hoss: You know what he's going to do next?
Hoss: Do you really want to know?
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Hoss: Spongebob I--
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Hoss: Spingebob I was just--
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AAAAAAAAAAAH
Hoss: I was jus--

Quote 7
(A Poem for Hoss.)
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: A poem:
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Before I go, a wind shall blow
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: A common tongue it speaks
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: The willow willows, the peak speaks
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: All one word, they seem to preach
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Picollo, Picollo
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: :Piccolo:
grandma wants it al dente: Oh my goodness
grandma wants it al dente: That's wall-worthy

Quote 8
(JR and I have a plan.)
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Let's open
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: A Deli
JR: What'll it be called?
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Deli-Cioso
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: We'll be Italian
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: You be Deli
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I'm Cioso
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: We just shout at each other across the restaurant
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: AY!
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I'M WORKIN' HERE!
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Then you'll say something like:
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: SHUT UP!
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Then the customer will say
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Can I have my food?
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Then we both say
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: There is no food
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: This is fake
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: All this?
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Fake
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: You push over the counter
JR: We don't serve food
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: It's made of cardboard
JR: This is an acting gig
JR: You *idiots*
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Good day sir
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Then we kill him and take his money
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Like ALL good businesses
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: You in on this?
JR: I am
JR: I'm all in on this

Quote 9
(Hoss and I talking about a girl.)
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: What if
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: The Queen of England
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Walks up to her home
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Knocks on her door
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Says
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: "Hello dear, it's me, the Queen"
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: "The REAL Queen of England"
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: "Break up with Hoss"
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: "Then have yourself some cranberry cheese"
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: "With a side of marmalade, and ketchup ON the fries, dear"
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Then you'd lose
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Because you lack the ability to testify in Parliament against it
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: And you'd be done for
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: And you'd come whining to me:
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: "MAAAAAX! I didn't have the political sway to stand up for my relationship in Parliament and the Queen of England made my girlfriend go away and eat cranberry cheese, marmalade, and fries with ketchup ON it, not on the side."
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: And you know what I'd do
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I'd take off my Queen of England disguise

Quote 10
(ARB's First Wall-Worthy Attack.)
tim curry: >doesn't like mint chip
tim curry: you really are a nazi

Quote 11
(Ancient OG-CWG Quote.)
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: If a Medic goes and buys a buncha hats, is he buying cos-MEDICS?
Hoss: shut the ♥♥♥♥ up, Max

Quote 12
(Out of all the J's, JR knows the best.)
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: If Liam Neeson walked up to you and said, "I got a Scottish brogue right HERE for ya'" and whipped out his ♥♥♥♥
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: What would you do
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: ?
jam: undress

Quote 13
(Blitzkrieged ARB)
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Hey you snake ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Jacob's a dog ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ furry
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: ♥♥♥♥
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: *
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Tack that last ♥♥♥♥ onto Jacob's line
ultra pants: i was quite alarmed when that first message came up

Quote 14
(Canada is gonna declare war on me)
breitbart simpson: what do you think of gligar
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: he's a cool boy
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: I'd give him a pretty
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Gli...
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Score?
breitbart simpson: close your face

Quote 15
(Canadian's are a violent people)
sonic hedgehonk: more like fallout *SNORE*
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: More like
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Fallout
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: 4
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Which is
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: What it is called
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: You dyslexic
sonic hedgehonk: fallout 4tnite battle royale
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Fallout 4tress 2
sonic hedgehonk: fallout ov4watch
Marvelous Mr. Maxvell: Fallout: Modern 4-fare
sonic hedgehonk: this better go on your wall
sonic hedgehonk: you ♥♥♥♥
Screenshot Showcase
He'll never see us coming
jam 1 Jul @ 3:09pm 
DgL42 7 Oct, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
whimzard 21 Feb, 2023 @ 2:37am 
hey this is a long shot, but im just adding you to discuss a tf2 trade about 8 years ago now :)
perimint 16 Jun, 2018 @ 1:20pm 
"Did you have to specify that because Gump said something?"
"No, but I knew he would."
"Ohh, it was a pre-emptive gumping"
perimint 9 May, 2018 @ 3:03pm 
Nerf THIS!
Hammer DOWN!
"This is unfortunate"
perimint 13 Jan, 2018 @ 4:58pm 
"Mortdecai means nothing compared to Ralph Fiennes."
"Max, uhhh, what's your favorite color?"
"... ... ...
