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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 1,027.6 год. загалом (1,000.4 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 13 січ. 2017 о 13:12
Оновлено: 29 берез. 2020 о 15:02

For starters don't let the 1000 hours sway your thoughts on this game. I've got another account with plenty of hours where I own the original hard copy of Mount & Blade: Warband since May 2010.

This game has not only brought me an amazing childhood it's also brought me a lot of friends whom I still hang out with today. This game is not only one of the best games on Steam it's a special one.

The game itself does seem outdated graphically but that's not a reason to knock it. Sure Bannerlord is coming out (12 hours from writing this) but doesn't mean you should ignore the original and expansion Warband. I've played PW since early Nexus and have experienced toxicity like no other and partook in it as well but that's what I find entertaining about this franchise and it's community. It's famous for saying gamer words don't pretend you're innocent..

Now, let's get serious!

Starting this game is a whole new experience when it comes to sandbox RPG's and it never gets old because of the continuous amount of replayability is insane, you'll never get tired of it unless you never tried the mods available. Graphically the game looks like a wet wipe but that's the charm of it, from the clunky fighting mechanics to stupid AI it's the ideal charm for endless amount of fun. (Totally not biased...)

Trading in the game is a big part if you want to earn money smartly, I usually be a naughty one and try and get a tax quest from a Lord/King for one of the major demesne such as Praven. This usually gives you around 5-8k Denars to start you off (unless you peasants beat you to a pulp!) With that money you can open up a wiki on trading and see the starter income of the avg for import/export of specific foods, such as leather in The Nords territory is cheaper than Rhodoks so buying and selling from the other can gain you an amass amount of Denars!

Combat in the game is probably the main attraction as it starts on an open-world (so to speak) map that you can travel to towns, villages and castles but in combat you lead massive armies to a band of recruits and a random caravan guard you bought without realising their weekly pay cheque can financially ruin you. The combat is clunky, messy, poorly written AI and the controls are easy to use.. But then you realise the game options has auto block, lance control and what not and then you turn it on hard and manual including switching the damage taken/given on normal... Yup you die... A lot

Multiplayer... oh my that a time. So native Warband has a community that enjoy the El Classico of combat! such as fast sieges, Ludas 1vs1 and battles. It's the same as the clunky singleplayer but no auto block... oh yeah you're probably gonna get your coochie pounded by a naked man swinging and feinting like a mad man on ketamine with a great sword but that's the full experience of this game and it's community.

Overall: I really enjoyed my time playing Warband and hope you can experience the same as I did.. Find friends, enemies (Shimmerswords) and much more. So why not give it a try eh? You can either support Talesworld directly for £14.99 or use G2A and CDKEYS for like £3.99 (BARE CHEAP DENARS)

My favourite mods:
Nova Aetas
Prophesy of Pendor
Blood & Steel
The Last Days of The Third Age
Warsword Conquest
Floris & Silver
Sands of Faith
And... Well I guess I'll have to put this here since it's most of my hours haha - Persistent World
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Коментарів: 1
KingKrabb 29 берез. 2020 о 15:07 
*gamer word*