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Recent reviews by Дю́накві́тка БагатьохНебес[MSLN]

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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Great controller in-and-of itself, but nigh-useless outside of Steam (and even occasionally with Steam games) and therefore unsuitable as a daily driver unless you never play anything off Steam.
Posted 5 July, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
11,498.1 hrs on record (220.9 hrs at review time)
If you like cardgames, there's not much NOT to like. The art is good for a giggle but not jarring, the mechanics are tight, and who doesn't enjoy spreading a little insanity? >:3 I actually like it better than its normie elder sibling Star Realms because it has at least as much synergy /between/ colours as within them, whereas SR decks tend to play better the more monochromatic you can make them.

The one serious complaint I have is that it needs an expansion; literally ALL the cards of a certain type are one colour, that colour is completely bereft of another type, and there's one trait that is unique to a single card when it feels like there should be at least one or two more that have it. AND I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO PLAY AGAINST! XD
Posted 26 October, 2019.
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7.7 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
Unless you count the Ace Attorney games, I\'ve never played a VN before, so one could call this new territory for me.

Definitely worth a few bucks and a couple hours\' time to explore the variations in the storyline. However, while it\'s nearly-always clear that there\'s a story in there worth telling, the writing falls really really flat every so often, and it\'s not uncommon for the proofreading to fail in ways both painful and hilarious.

The one big disappointment, though, was that I was actually punished for being right at the end, rather than going for what I\'m sure was supposed to be the obvious choice. But then again, I think I went for the \"obvious\" route LAST, and that one actually leads you by the nose through the ending. XD

By about halfway through my third playthrough, I already had ideas for a new ending, two entire new routes (one of which has an evil ending), and a couple of new variant scenes. With the proper resources and permissions, I have no doubt that I could improve an already-decent game.
Posted 1 June, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,916.9 hrs on record (47.6 hrs at review time)
Uses the Clausewitz Engine of EU fame, so for starters if you like that, you'll probably like this. Also, if you SORTA like EU but have more of an affitiny for RPGs, I can virtually GUARANTEE you'll like this.
Posted 17 October, 2013.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries