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Улюблена група
Thigh High Socks - Відкрита група
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Автор(и): Natsu
Оцінок: 19 947
The most helpful guide to help you live a happy life.
Вітрина найрідкісніших досягнень
Остання активність
3,4 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 27 листоп.
285 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 27 листоп.
139 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 27 листоп.
SirChop 22 лип. о 21:53 
Come back son, your mother and I miss you. We’ll let you wear the thigh highs around the house.
Manicimo 15 трав. о 5:18 
___███████▀◢▆▅▃              ▀▀████ONII CHAN
___██████▌◢▀█▓▓█◣         ▂▃▃  ████onii chan
__▐▐█████▍▌▐▓▓▉       ◢▓▓█ ▼ ████ONII CHAN
__ ▌██████▎  ▀▀▀        █▓▓▌ ▌ █████▌onii chan
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_▉  █████████▆▃        ◢████▌ ███  onii chan
_ ▉  ████▋████▉▀◥▅▃▃▅▇███▐██▋ ▐██ONII CHAN
Winston 2 квіт. 2022 о 11:10 
F.uck off right. You think you know every F.ucking thing about anime but guess what, prick. You don't. Cory in the house is a japanese animation style that was made at the 12th of january 2007 with a 2 and a half star rating from IMDb which I just find untrue. How can you go wrong with: Madison Pettis, Kyle Massey, Jason Dolley, Mairara Walsh, Rondell Sheriden, John D'Aquino, Lisa Arch, Jake Thomas and Raven Symoné i guess IMDb are just uncultured, like you. So don't ever come to me saying you know anime. because you clearly DON'T.
Valentine 20 верес. 2021 о 11:06 
-rep this guy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STINKS
Literally Frieren 20 верес. 2021 о 10:53 
-rep this guy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STINKS
PierreC4 18 квіт. 2021 о 3:14 
After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship.
I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life.
When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then 1 tapped him. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.