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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Unreal you guys just gave the pre order bonus away for $5 cad. you guys are a joke. not only was the launch of the game horrible but you couldve at least shown some love to the people who supported and stuck with the game since before release with some exclusive items. but you just literally are a cash grab company at this point
Posted 18 February, 2024.
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16.6 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Dishonored 2 is a great game and a great follow up from the first one but beware how hard this game is to run. This game takes a beast of a pc to handle while you have the graphics high and pretty. In my opinion its from lack of optimization and it could run better right now if they patched it and made it more options to disable effects and extra stuff without taking away from being able to see and aim. I played this game all the way through on console multiple times and loved it, just runs like ass on my pc sadly :( glad i didn't pay full price and id wait to buy it on sale or buy it from a site like cd keys like i did. Sadly Death of a Darksider is more optimized than this one even tho it says for the mim requirements that the newer one is more advanced and takes a stronger pc which makes me think that they could really go back and make this game run alot better. overall pc rating is a 7/10
Posted 10 April, 2020.
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13.3 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
This is my favorite splinter cell and in my opinion is the best one of the series. the missions are great and interesting and in awesome environments, the voice acting between characters feels real and not scripted and you really feel like you are Sam as you play. Playing this game on pc compared to the older consoles is so much nicer with the higher graphics and the added frame rate. This game runs on like any pc because it is a older game but still has options for pretty nice graphics and still holds up in my eyes for how old this game is. The only issue i ever find myself having on this game is the bloom of your crosshair and you'll sometimes miss while firing even when on target and it can get frustrating at some points but i tent to not use guns like ever and just sneak by or stealth attack them. 10/10 will recommend this game to people till i die, in my top 5 fav games for sure! Worth the 10$ it is or whatever it is in your currency! Hope you Buy!
Posted 5 April, 2020.
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