Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Another day nearer the battle - So drink up lads and look brave.
For another day nearer the battle - Is another day nearer the grave.

Imperial Guard drinking song
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
22 Hours played
Let's start with the big negatives I personally encountered here:

  • The game instantly crashes at start up if you CPU has to many cores forcing you to disable some of them to be able to simply start it (read somewhere that there should be some other way but did not test it).
  • There is a problem with high refresh rate monitors making it a real pain to pick up items. Sometimes it works as expected but more often than not you have to wait a long time before being able to pick them up... forcing you to change your monitor to a default 60Hz to be able to play normally.
  • You have to edit the Windows registry if you want to play with a higher resolution than 1080p.

This is quite sad for PC port but once all problems where handled the game runned smoothly and without any other crashes.

Technical hiccups aside, the game was quite fun. While the main combat mechanic is simple (light attack / heavy attack / special attack) with a really low amount of possible combos, the possibility to invoke multiple different fiends that fight for you (all with their own special attacks) allows for some interesting combos.

The story is totally linear but was quite enjoyable even if somewhat clichéd and predictable.

All things considered - and despite the games flaws - I had a good time.
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