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Blade Symphony

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All Blade Symphony Workshop Masks (23 Unique as of 2/23/14)
Coleção por Maintrain97
"it will show up in-game after the next update or if you switch to the latest nightly beta (there's a sticky topic in the forums about it)." -Biohazard This is a collection of Every Mask available for Blade Symphony in the Workshop. I will try to update wi
All Blade Symphony Workshop Swords (114 Unique as of 2/23/14)
Coleção por Maintrain97
This is a collection of Every Sword available for blade symphony in the workshop. I will try to update with new swords daily :D If you notice a sword that has been left out feel free to message me. Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the sword's pu
Por página: 9 18 30