[F1].Magnum Bear
Billy Bob Jr.   Georgia, United States
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Odehráno 2 631 hodin
Amazing game,
Very ACTIVE community, developers that fix bugs Instantly, constantly changing small things about the game. In doing so keeping the game fresh and new to even people playing since day one.
From a game with no funding and a small community with one map and rad- bears/wolf.
Rust has come a very long way, In my opinion is one of my all time fav-games.
Always exciting and funny to play if you play in a group even if its only 2.
Skill in combat is NEEDED to survive!!
This games best Perk/Flaw is its wide range player base. Depends on who you run into.
My Tips:
1.) Don't Trust Anyone lol
2.) Watch out for nakeds...They are evil
3.) Be ready for the grind
4.) Keep your head on a swivel
Přehlídka snímků
Eternal Life