Maarkxe   Germany
They / Them
gl hf <3
Before you complain in the comment Section
You are probably here to whine about how I camped or tuneled you in DbD.
Or in a rare case, that i was an awful teammate.

But please reconsider and just think for one moment:
Its a Game, right?
Do you want to be insulted? Probably not, so just dont do it to others.
Why do you play this Game? I'm just playing for fun, not because i want to play competitive.
Are you really THAT insecure about your life, that you need to poop on peoples feelings just because you lost a match at DbD?

OK. You thought about it? Yes? Great! If you changed your Mind, just leave a "<3 " in the comments to show that you are a good Person. If you didn't changed your Mind, i'm really sorry for your mental State.

But if you still want an explanation, of why i did this, or that thing, please read the following:

Tuneling is a valid strategy against SWFs or generally strong teams, because they almost always want the 4 man out and are willing to die for it.
Ironic, isn't it?

And the same goes with camping, why in the mother lovin hell would i leave the hook, if I see you running in a straight line towards it?
And why would i leave and chase in the endgame? There is no point in doing such things (exept you have the Build for it).

Now to you, random teammate:

You are probably here to complain how I didn't heal you or that i'm just "not made for this game".
There are certain perks and playstyles, wich against healing or some other stupid, time wasting stuff is the worst thing you can do. For example "Devour Hope" or "NOED".
I dont heal you, because you may have Resilience or Made for This and in that case you are better of being injured. And even if you do not have such perks, it's not hurting you, isn't it? It's one hit anyways.
Especially if you're going against time (cleansing Devor for example, because if the Killer hits 5 tokens he can mori you out of the game).

If you still need some further explanations, why i did THAT thing please ask that in the comments an I'll reply soon. If you'd like we can even talk on Discord, just hit me up in the Comments

Whoever finds grammar or spelling mistakes, please keep it to yourself.

However, have a great day and a even better night.
I hope the pain eases soon.


For all who still didn't got enough, here are some simple Rules to follow as a Killer

Everything that annoys survivors even in the slightest, is prohibited . If the killer dares to provoke, he may find himself in a cross-fire of various emotional insults from the survivors and a growing profile comment section.
Disrespectful behaviour torwards any survivor is not allowed. It is your job as killer to make sure survivors enjoy the match at it's fullest potential. That presupposes following:

• No camping
• No hook patrolling
• No tunneling
• No killing (hooking 2 times is ok)
• No nodding (this makes the survivor feel outplayed)
• No Nurse, Spirit or Hag - Billy and Leatherface is fine as long as you use Speed Limiter
• No Perks or addons that are annoying or difficult to deal with for survivors e.g. Ruin or Franklin's

Never use perk and/or addon combinations that may give the survivors the feeling the killer might exploit or uses unfair and unfun advantages that makes a chase not last for several minutes. Remember, the longer the chase the more fun the survivor has!

Make sure to always let yourself be stunned by a pallet and enjoy the buttdance/gesturing afterwards, it gives the survivor the feeling they outplayed you and free points is the best way to make them happy!

Always say "gg wp!" at the end, this is very important, it makes survivors feel good and accomplished about themselves. Make sure to stay a little while in the lobby before leaving so survivors can compliment you like "baby killer" or "gg ez". Don't say anything back, you don't want to make them mad.

If you follow this simple rule we can asure you a enjoyable time in the fog. Stay safe out there...

May the Entity be your guiding Moonlight
3月7日 に最後にプレイ
3月6日 に最後にプレイ
3月6日 に最後にプレイ
margethatch 1月19日 10時31分 
+rep very kind alan wake
Legendary 2024年12月28日 9時55分 
Probably no Friends, thats why she play lonely and sadly Killer like CmWinter
Maarkxe 2024年12月24日 5時57分 
huh? first time Nurse in like 2 Years, that one is one you mate. Aaaaand ur fun is not my bussiness, so kindly ♥♥♥♥ yourself in the knee
Jill_is_my_GF 2024年12月24日 5時54分 
-rep how can people have fun when you are playing as the nurse?
Maarkxe 2024年10月30日 14時24分 
when was I toxic? the time I told a bunch of Idiots top go F themselfes? And who tf sais i'm a "he"? Kinda toxic mate
You 2024年10月30日 13時17分 
-rep toxic endgame chat ( Huntress ) after he loose :D