Asyroful   Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
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| steamname : Judith
| steamID32 : STEAM_0:1:66807957
| steamID64 : http://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198093881643
| customURL : http://steamproxy.com/id/MJudith
гидропоника 4/abr./2024 às 13:15 
kasih tau magnus lo, def ancient GOBLOK
Osakana32 29/set./2017 às 10:00 
eupleu kece
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat 20/abr./2015 às 18:32 
boss kemana aja nih ? mau beli item dota 2
R-SYN 8/set./2014 às 8:52 
Accept mau nanya item
puursue 8/set./2014 às 3:08 
@TECHIES kosong stock bro
Reina 7/set./2014 às 4:15 
minat lina