[Mercury 水星] 贯彻内心的一首音乐
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Animated wallpaper Alps Mountains - Windy & Snowing Snow effect faciliated by myself using After Effect
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视界 23 apr 2024 om 8:06 
I called a couple of Latino brothers, beat you to a bloody pulp, fell to the ground, and then I tied you up with a rope and tied you behind the rear wing of my luxury sports car, and I stepped on the accelerator in an instant and accelerated for hundreds of miles, and in less than a few tens of seconds, I took you through several blocks, and your body rotted from friction, including the genitals under you, just like a woman's:griefer:
视界 23 apr 2024 om 8:01 
@ Shamin Yapuzzi
More than a dozen black men besieged your grandmother and your family, they killed everyone around you with iron rods, axes, knives, and used assault rifles to shoot bullets at the corpses, and your dear family members were instantly beaten into honeycomps, even more terrifying than the corpses of giants who had festered in the lake for three months
视界 23 apr 2024 om 7:55 
Your mother's ♥♥♥♥♥ is filled with lime, the flames are burning the womb, the white pulp is smoking, and the wild dogs on the side of the road are excited to bite twice and bite the lower body of the vagina
视界 9 mrt 2024 om 8:23 
公司发现了一处有色金属矿, 我带着设备在这里入住了下来,安然无恙了几天之后,我发现深山里总会传出一种金属碰撞的工业声音,本人十分的好奇,想一瞧究竟,无奈山上荆棘纵横, 只得作罢。
今天来了五辆车,20多个人下车拿着镰刀电锯 往这个临时居住点过来,上级要求来人跟着他们,我一路尾随他们到山顶,他们要祭祖,并没有做什么其他的事。
视界 9 mrt 2024 om 8:23 
同时身居高处,我看见了之前未知声音的传播点,那里非常的宏大,是一具靠肩山体的军事基地,准确来说是个坦克修理站,里面的人并不多,外层有一些营房应该是用来住的,大型建筑可能是食堂或者健身中心啥的,旁边停车场停着一些小轿车还有悍马 apc 榴弹炮 运输车,有几个停机坪,不过只停了一辆丛林迷彩飞机,里面感觉至少能坐20个人,然后我发现了之前那个声音是从哪里传来的?原来是修理完的坦克 需要进行一些测试,坦克高速通行地面破损测试区域,履带砸在地上的声音,真是令人震惊,大山里面应该被掏空了,储存着武器装备啥的, 数量应该不小,毕竟外层包着山体的大门都有八米高。
总体来说这个地方不大,毕竟只是一个市级作战单位, 管理应该不严, 常有军官带着标兵开着悍马来饭店吃饭。
视界 31 jan 2024 om 10:13 