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12.6 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
The bane of any online shooter officially makes this game unplayable.

Rubberbanding. Do not buy. do not play.
Posted 3 March, 2017.
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0.4 hrs on record

Back in the day i thought the Dominions game was just spam spam spam and lose lose lose, young me never learned about the true meat of the game, and thanks to family sharing i was able to do it.

One could consider this a God-Game but at the same time not really, in the Dominions series your a Pretender, a person of such power that you are going for the final title of power that matters: Godhood. Unfortunately other people (and... sentient beings to put it nicely) want the same thing, so you gotta earn it through genocide and warfare!

Thats pretty much the jist of the game, you pick or create a pretender of various types as well as the age of which the final war takes place (after the stone age to the end of magical fantasty) as well as the faction of man or monster you will rule in the attempt of becoming a God, then you soak the land in the blood of your enemies and armies, for they are little more then tools needed to achieve godhood.

Fun game series, dunno where the sequels will go though.
Posted 31 December, 2016.
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4.4 hrs on record
Boy oh boy, this is going to be a short review.

Stellar Monarch, also known as Pocket Space Empire is a 4X game made by a single dev which revolves around you being the Emperor of an empire and dealing with the upper levels of said empire. Dont let that fool you, there isn't much in the game in its current state (1.03).

The game is a fantastic premise and different compared to other 4X, instead of playing as just some generic leader title on other 4X games doing everything at once during each turn you make some deicions using laws and decisions as well as adjusting the empires budget which the planetary govenors and businesses will work with, as well as subsidies you can place on each planet (which are essential depending on which part of the empire the planet is on).

The micromanagement isnt completely true, 99% of micromanagement is gone (THANK GOD!) but there still is a tiny bit as stated earlier with the subisidies, you manually have to select each planet and pick which subisidy you want on it and then wait a few turns for them to become activated. Another issue is the automated fleets and AI, you can automate fleets but its purely defensive and dont retake planets lost in combat, so thats lots of clicking the fleets to retake lost worlds, it gets painful after a while.

Once you have done that, sorted your Audience of events every 10+ turns and tinker with the economy, you hit the next turn button and fight the constantly invading AI neighbours until you do the same. Good ideas get boring cus there is nothing else too do.

Its a NO for the time being until new content updates hit the game, as well as modding tools as i think this game wil excel with proper modding capabilities.
Posted 28 December, 2016.
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A developer has responded on 25 Jun, 2018 @ 12:56am (view response)
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1.8 hrs on record
A Cuban Missile Crisis gone hot game based on the blitzkrieg engine, one of my all time favorite games has finally hit steam, so i better write my review after putting it off for so long.

I cant really add much as other reviewers have hit the nail already with how good and bad the game is. For example in CMC you cant endlessly fire your artillery into occupied towns and cities like you could in other games thanks to the near endless supply dumps placed in each mission, in CMC you need to control manufactoring plants and other industry to create ammunition and supplies for you to use which are not put into a big pool to help yourself with, before each battle you need to decide how much Fuel and Ammo that army group is going to get as the one ammo plant you have left might be under siege and if that goes you might not be able to take it back, its things like this that really surprised me when first playing it.

The game forces you to think differently then in other Blitzkrieg styled games, yes you can build more tanks and vehicles and train infantry and such but its done by turn based construction on the world/region map, throwing away the 10 groups of armored cars onto one position on a single battle may have helped you win that battle but you would have shot yourself in both feet in the long run, the massive russian tides the old games have dont work here, you need to be bloody careful with what you bring in the battle.

Be prepared to die a lot, your infantry is Cold War era which means clothing with no body armor will not win when charging a structure with infantry inside shooting out towards the line of infantry charging it. Same concept applies when vehicles move forward towards a fortified position, Tanks are not indestructable and someone with a anti tank gun could do more damage to your battle group then the rest of the opposing force!

This game really makes you rethink warfare post WW3, you have to be damn careful with what you have as replacements are either a long way coming or not coming at all, the game has a lot of fixed premade maps in the campaigns that allow the player to explore and try what method works best when attacking or defending.

As stated earlier in other reviews, units range to "utterly worthless and not worth the construction time and resources" to "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ devs why is this so OP?" Its fun at first sending those waves of cheap worthless tanks forward to protect the valuable stuff until you see it was one tank and one sqaud of infantry that stopped that wave of steel then you smack yourself for wasting potential forces against one enemy tank and some troops hiding behind it, this becomes a problem later on in the game as more heavier and newer technology becomes availiable.

Overall its a good but difficult game and i loved playing it back at release as it was one of the first games that broke me free of the "Spam cheap units until you win" mindset, and for a fiver? bargain. Get the sequel too.
Posted 17 September, 2016.
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5.1 hrs on record
Devs are part of the CP trading group Goons on the website Something Awful.
Posted 24 December, 2015.
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371.8 hrs on record (154.1 hrs at review time)
Possibly one of the biggest examples of "Dropped the ball so hard the devs now have to sell the game with something to stop refunds", i was really looking forward to playing GTA5, didnt buy it on any of the consoles i owned because it was a matter of time before it hit PC, and unfortunately my partner who bought this game wasted his money buying it for me (he refunded his copy while i kept mine.)

Lets get the big thing out of the way, its Grand Theft Auto, if you have played the console versions its the same game other then graphical changes and the lockout of DLC and content that has already been out on console is not availible on the PC version without the use of mod/cheat menus which surprisingly enough has >all< the data of previous content updates ingame itself, just unreachable for those who never got it due to not playing the game at the time.

Multiplayer on PC? Rubbish. Rockstar cheaped out and instead of making a properly made seperate multiplayer component, they pulled an Overkill and made the entire MP component peer to peer which is the worst possible way to do it for a sandbox game, thanks to this method the entire MP runs on lua and has no anticheat which makes MP so laughably vulnerable to hacks and cheats that use lua injections its better to simply not use it. Hackers have free reign to basically do anything they want (rain money on people, spawn any kind of object from guns to DLC cars to people and so on) as well as the option to completely invalidate the only thing keeping the hackers and cheaters away by removing the reports and redflags on their accounts thanks to these cheat menus.

the game is a lost cause, but at least Rockstar is actively trying to fix it, but to fix MP would require the rebuilding of both games, and i doubt they want to spend that time and money doing that.

if you MUST ABSOLUTELY buy GTA5 DONT buy it with a shark card! buy the game alone at a discount and play both components for less then an hour each and decide if its worth keeping, dont be afraid to use the refund option.
Posted 7 November, 2015.
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10.2 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Oh boy, One of my favorite all time games is finally on steam and im already hooked back into it. Dont let the time count fool you i played the original Guild for easily over 1k+ hours back during high school (minus all the patches...) and now we have a fully patched and somewhat great release of The Guild Gold on steam.

I wont ramble too much but heres the jist of the game: You are a poor boy from a poor family out in the forest that comes to the big city to make yourself into something. Sounds simple right? Nope! you cant make yourself super big and successful on your first character so youll be making a Dynasty in the city you'll be playing in to which there are several cities spread across Europe who have their own politics and events to deal with with one of them being other dynasties

One of the great things about The Guild is that not only are you trying to run your business and not go broke, you also have to not only contend with other dynasties in the same town but also regional politics, everyone can at some point be eligible for every job in the game except for the Emperor/King itself, so while you are climbing the political and economic ladders your opponents and friends in other dynasties will be doing the same, it helps keep the game competitive as it wont take long for you and others to carve battle lines throughout the town (You and your allied Dynasties vs the others).

The game with the expansion pack which is part of the Gold edition allows for a variety of careers to play with, some are downright impossible to play due to being at the mercy of the marketplace or the one place that you and 5 other dynasties are buying stock from while others are so laughably easy that once you have several of these businesses running you only need to focus on politics or underhanded methods to screw around with other dynasties.

But as this is quite an old game it does have its problems, Gold does work on Windows 7 but for some it requires changing the desktop to 16bit to actually play, the game (as well as its sequels) were notoriously buggy at release and while the current final version of gold to my knowledge is bug free keep an eye out while playing as well as save often.

All in all a very enjoyable and comfy game, definitely worth a buy so you can chill out and build your business as the seasons roll on by.
Posted 7 November, 2015. Last edited 24 November, 2018.
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12 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
just another MOBA cashing in on the LoL/DOTA craze, nothing to see here, dont bother with the beta.
Posted 18 March, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
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149.0 hrs on record (24.5 hrs at review time)
The Merchants at Overkill have proven again to the gaming world just how decietful they are, not only did they not deliver the 30 heists they promised even now so long after release they continue to throw the "Stop being Entitled" at people who have bought game, ban anyone who questions or critizies them on the forums, and release paid for DLC that adds nothing to the game.

Pirate Overkill games from now on, they clearly do not deserve money from anyone.
Posted 5 December, 2013.
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0.1 hrs on record
5/5 bretty gud :DD

haha benis :DD
Posted 21 August, 2013.
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