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250.2 hrs on record (191.2 hrs at review time)
The moment you optimize it I will change the review to a positive.
Or change engine, I don't know.
Ryzen 5 3600, RTX 2060, 32 GB Ram 3600 MHz and it can't keep up on DLSS Ultra Performance all LOW.
Impossible. Optimize the game and then I'll change it to positive review. Game would really be okay if not that. It's literally driving me and many people so crazy. I think even Beta had better optimization, I really had high hopes because you guys said you optimized the game for the release.

Edit: Bro I got 4070 super and R7 5700X3D and sometimes my frames still dropping, dlss balanced low settings barely having usually stable 150 fps, sometimes dropping. Excuse me?
Posted 13 December, 2024. Last edited 19 January.
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1.1 hrs on record
edit: don't hide my shigmas, resetting reviews of f2p players or something idk
This game is just bad, performance compared to looks of the game is dog, settings are absolutely dog, you guys can't even fetch the resolutions from the system and you made your own presets that end on 1080p, graphics quality changes the resolution scale, what the hell are these settings (unless that has changed already but I don't think so)
game is absolutely dog
not saying the concept was bad, it was okay, but the execution is terrible
graphics are sh*t, things are either glowing like Kinger in the latest episode of TADC (iykyk) or are completely dark and black and I can't see anything
Knight thingy attacked when it's dead, maybe it's already changed... I hope!
But I won't waste my time on checking if that's already changed or not, so please keep yourself distanced from this part of the review. This one might be fixed.
First trailer... It looked okay, I'm starting to think that it was pre-rendered or something, somebody maybe tell me in the comments what the hell happened to this quality from the first trailer if you know.
Overall, I gartened my banbans while playing this game. I do not recommend. Go play Lethal Company instead.
Posted 10 October, 2024. Last edited 12 October, 2024.
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204.0 hrs on record (200.8 hrs at review time)
I am changing my old negative review to positive.
Well, most of this is because they gave up on monetizing the game (I don't mean not monetizing it completely was the way to go), this is the last ever update. I came back to the game again, and I can't believe it. It did not SUCK this time.
The experience was overall better, maybe I'm just coping because this game that I loved in Technical Test is going away and this is the last time we're gonna see it alive.
I didn't really play against the characters I hated yet. Not really. So maybe that's why this is a positive review. Balancing in this game was so bad. I quit the game after Jack Samurai released.
But I didn't really encounter him now so can't say how the situation looks rn.

I really like how they also gave out 2 new characters for free. This should be a standard. This made me actually play the game at least, not get in once and quit and never come back like I did before when new characters released.
They also made whole battle pass free. I'm not gonna ignore it, it's pro-consumer so I must put that in the review.
Unfortunately most of this is caused by WB pulling the plug. But they could I guess still milk some last cents from people for this last season which they didn't. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.
This game... I loved it in Technical Test. I played a lot when it released even though it had plenty, plenty of problems and the monetization already started giving out what the priorities are for FPG and WB.
It got ruined by stupid decisions taken by people that shouldn't be taking them.
Then Rivals 2 finished the job at least for me.
I'm so sad I'll never see Spinel or Lapis in this game tho. I waited for Spinel ever since I played the game for the first time.
Forgot to mention, Fighters Road is still terrible idea especially considering u can't even choose who you're grinding for, that makes it absolutely trash (unless you can and I don't know how then nvm), tho it's still kinda bad idea but now I think you get kinda more EXP? So it's not AS bad.
Though... it's all for nothing, game is gonna die, but at least in the end we got somewhat better game. I guess. From what I've seen for the past 2 days at least.
Farewell, Multiversus. You had potential.
Posted 6 June, 2024. Last edited 5 February.
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100.8 hrs on record (95.8 hrs at review time)
In the beta the game was running pretty smooth. Now I get constant stuttering and framedrops. It can't be played.
(RTX 2060, Ryzen 5 3600, 32 GB Ram DDR4 3700MHz)
Posted 16 March, 2024.
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13.8 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
game is nice, i enjoyed it (except one of the levels which I won't say how is called, because spoilers)
Posted 21 December, 2023. Last edited 21 December, 2023.
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558.9 hrs on record (340.5 hrs at review time)
I am editing this review after a while, to express how disappointed I am in this game.
I'm not even going to talk about how much I am not willing to spend even a cent on this after so many disappointments regarding scrapped content and other thing we've been promised. There's plenty of videos regarding these things on youtube, and I think everyone knows about at least some of the things.

I will talk about how bad the current state of this game is. I really am actually glad Deadlock and Marvel Rivals is coming because there will finally be a game worth playing. (Deadlock is a bit different but still, I am so glad it's going to participate in overthrowing this game).
The balancing team is being flamed by almost entire community, every time there's a patch people can't believe what they're seeing. Changes nobody asks for are pushed, changes people ask for seasons are not even considered. Buffs and nerfs are worse than what CHAT GPT generates with outdated data about the game. And yet, the balancing team decides to spit not only on players, but also on content creators that LITERALLY PLAY THE GAME EVERY DAY.
Of course balancing team knows better after looking at these sweet juicy pickrates and numbers. They know better, sure. Why would we ever listen to our community for once.
I'm not going to even talk about sh***y matchmaking system that still looks like it enforces 50/50 winratio, being punished for winning, can't go down and can't go up your ranks because you will be FORCED TO WIN OR LOSE EVENTUALLY.

Now, it's not over. Let's address the great great greatest "report system". Me and my friend played this game for days again, let's say I came back a bit more to it. What did we encounter? Many many toxic players that flame you for simply being bad at the game while your whole team gets rolled. NOT MY FAULT THIS MATCHMAKING MADE US PLAY THIS MATCH IN THE FIRST PLACE.
They go in personally, they literally insult and offend you like animals. I'm also salty and toxic to be honest but I never go as far as they do. I usually flame THE MATCHMAKING, or certain stupid mechanics of the game like McCree's nade and other stuff because yeah it's so fun for dps, tanks and everyone in the game. Can't play because it's one simple ability that is just better than anything you do. One silly ability cancels your entire game. Anyway that's not the case here.
I got a... warning? because I got reported? For flaming the game? Cool, I got a warning because I probably said some "mean" stuff about poor Blizzard and the game, meanwhile we reported like 5 people that were flaming literally PERSONALLY my friend or me for nothing, we reported... like whole lobby of our team and enemy team a trolling tank, and I was expecting AT LEAST ONE... JUST ONE notice to appear after I press "Confirm" on my warning... Guess what. NONE OF THE PEOPLE GOT PUNISHED. Holy moly, people can tell me they will kill me in the game... actually wait, they did, they told me to end myself, they told me they'd do it themselves to me, and now that I remember I did not see one of them even get anything XD This is a pure comedy considering I got a warning for being salty and toxic mostly about the game. I keep myself from crossing that personal line. Other than "F this this and this" or "f you" in the game I did not really go too far. I mean in my honest opinion compared to what I reported people for this is not even close and comparable. And no, I did not see any reports actually doing anything about the game.

But guess what, if people complain about this, this stupid company would say "we see there are problems with people getting frustrated about their reports, so we're removing the "notice" system". I CAN SEE THAT HAPPENING, because this company is just the best at missing the point and doing ANYTHING except what people actually WANT!
With today's event and this review. I really gave up on blizzard actually caring about at least that one thing. That one thing was what I kept thinking Blizzard can do. Take care of the reports. Now it just died. My hopes about this game and this company died. I will probably keep suffering in this game, but I won't have any hopes that my reports are going to change anything. But I got punished. People that threat to take my life away are getting out free while they laugh at me because THEY KNOW THEY WON'T BE TOUCHED BY BLIZZARD. They laughed at me and I was thinking "yeah keep laughing", now I know he was right. My hopes have died.

And this... concludes my negative review. Remember, there's books to write about why this game sucks and isn't worth your time. I didn't even cover enough of them here, but you have all the other medias and reviews for that. Really guys, if you didn't play it... just don't. There are better games and more to come. I really want to recommend you checking out Marvel Rivals releasing this December. I'm afraid this game will unfortunately also be ruined by the great "Overwatch Community"
Can't believe I'm here since 2017. It's never been this bad.
Peace out.
Posted 11 August, 2023. Last edited 29 August, 2024.
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28.7 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Thank you for removing my progress, and removing all my perks I spent hours on obtaining till lvl 3.
Posted 15 July, 2023.
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15.9 hrs on record (15.5 hrs at review time)
dead game, paid around 200 PLN if not more for a game that I stopped playing after 14-15h. Now nobody plays it, I came back after a long while, and had to wait for such a long time in the queue until I gave up, also they made new characters paid as DLCs, even better. Please do not do the same mistake as me, and don't buy this game. I really regret. Also why the hell is my GPU 100% usage on a queue and the menu... (even if I didn't lock FPS which idk if i did or not)
Posted 6 January, 2023.
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2,251.6 hrs on record (1,162.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 15 November, 2021.
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6.1 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Grę samą w sobie bym polecił, ale nie mogę, gdyż graczy nie ma WCALE. Serwery są puste. Nie można przez to grać. Kupujecie grę, nie macie możliwości w nią grać.
Posted 25 March, 2021.
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