Lone Wastelander
Andrea   Italy
La Vita è come una scatola di cioccolatini, se cade da un grattacielo muore.
Vetrina degli screenshot
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin
TheSpiritFox 21 ott 2024, ore 18:36 
Bloodflame does damage with phantom buildup jackass. Even if you dodge it and dodge during the proc you take damage without ever taking a hit, which is how you killed me.
Lone Wastelander 21 ott 2024, ore 14:01 
Dude, that thing is basically a meme, it's the easiest skill to dodge in the entire game. Don't whine about it. I don't remember why i pointed you down but you probably earned it
TheSpiritFox 21 ott 2024, ore 13:42 
Really? A pointdown from bloodflame blade prelates charge? You could not be using a cheaper build
Auster 8 ott 2024, ore 16:18 
GG, but you lagged really REALLY badly in the beginning.
Hyrox 2 ott 2024, ore 14:45 
PandaTears420 21 set 2024, ore 16:25 
Yo! This time I was the pot thrower! gg man