Mirkwit 8 Nov, 2022 @ 9:31pm 
yo, it's been a while. . . hope all is well
Juustro 29 Sep, 2016 @ 11:39am 
Hey missy.. you still playing?
LozzaRozza 31 Dec, 2012 @ 4:44pm 
Happy New Year From TheLozzaRozza
Mac.Clayne 17 Oct, 2012 @ 12:26am 
Hey heyyyyy ! :-]
Happy birthday sweety ^^ a little bit in late I Know. Can't find your phone number anymore (WTF ??!!)
See you soon ;-D
LozzaRozza 19 Sep, 2012 @ 10:00am 
Hey you. Im going amsterdam this weekend. Go there i dare ya lool.
NonamemaN 21 Jun, 2012 @ 2:15pm 
Hmm...Good day.I'm stranger.
LozzaRozza 15 Jun, 2012 @ 4:22pm 
Reply back on FaceBook :) xx
[Hybrid]Left4DeadFreak{BJ} 22 May, 2012 @ 2:39pm 
Of course You and Tj@vo are the best for me !!! With those two you have a Reason to Smile in youre Life !!!
MiSs.BuLl'sEyE 3 May, 2012 @ 12:47pm 
thanks Kiri, that's cute :-)
{B.o.S}Kiriyama{BJ}[DBA] 27 Apr, 2012 @ 11:51am 
I love my Mother :* thx for making my World better
Gravy 7 Apr, 2012 @ 12:40am 
Hey, sorry for late reply. Cool stuff on the youtube page, I saw the Doom mod for KF, ha, I played that one as well. It was great. All that crazy stuff happens. I'm not sure if it was the exact same mod (half the time I didn't know what was going on. ;-P).

For sure I'm gonna get APB, it looks too good not to try out. I would've already DLed if I knew the game was FREE! :-O

I'll see you ingame sometime :-)
Gravy 16 Mar, 2012 @ 9:00pm 
That's cool to hear. but I know what you're saying, I dont usually check the profile page, etc, often anymore. I guess I did when first getting into steam years back with another account. My jaw just dropped when I saw your playing time. But then again, KF is definitely fun to play. ;-) I got into it later, so don't know what was different before the current gameplay.

I was thinking of getting into APB, wasn't really sure what it was about. You recommend it? Didn't even know what "APB" meant until I looked it up. ;-p I just know the customization looks awesome. And Gotham city impostors looks funny as hell.
Gravy 5 Mar, 2012 @ 7:44pm 
whoah, damn. I just noticed your playing time for killing floor + others... that's impressive... or scary... and I thought I was hardcore getting only up to 100 hours on games... congrats ;-D
LozzaRozza 8 Sep, 2011 @ 11:08am 
oooooiiiii i downloaded that APB Reloaded. what server you in and whats ya name????
Tjavo 3 Jul, 2011 @ 12:23am 
Hey Zotje ;-)
Mac.Clayne 18 Jun, 2011 @ 7:51am 
And doooone ! ^^ The keyboard and some other stuff are gone yesterday ^^ At last ^^' Sorry for the wait :-P Money, money always money you know what I mean. No way you had to give anything hun :-PPPPPP Enjoy the G111, I hope you will like it and I let you discover the other stuff :-]
Mac.Clayne 9 Jun, 2011 @ 12:59pm 
I'm gonna send a mail hon , so think about cheking in :-]
BRONIN 18 May, 2011 @ 4:43pm 
Sounds awesome to me.
MiSs.BuLl'sEyE 17 May, 2011 @ 1:56pm 
hey there..Yeah killing floor, the good old days and man i played that game for almost 1500 hours lol..
Suicidal was piece of cake then but now i have no idea..been a while ago cause i couldn't play the game for a whole year because i got BSOD all the time when i played..well that's fixed with installing my windows again.
Anyway, i'm willing to give it a try so when you see me online and wanna play, let me know :-))
BRONIN 15 May, 2011 @ 4:02pm 
You should get on Killing Floor sometime, would be interesting to play with ya.
Mac.Clayne 9 May, 2011 @ 10:23am 
A song I love and make me think about you. It's like this is you who are singing :-]
Mac.Clayne 20 Apr, 2011 @ 7:03am 
Oyyyyy ! ^^ Hey Lindsay I'd just received the packaaaage !! ^^ I'm cheking it :-P Keep in tuch !
Mac.Clayne 28 Mar, 2011 @ 6:05pm 
Shoot right, Shoot tight !
Big kiss hun :-]
Mac.Clayne 24 Feb, 2011 @ 3:45pm 
I'm fine honey :-]... It's sweet to see you, seams like ages I didn't saw you. hard to catch us since we are working. I've passed all 2010 year working but I'm unemployed again since early January. I've get good plan like in my preview coment but I have encountered some unexpected probs ruining my plans. I will told you what next time. And moreover we are not sharing same games like before, you're stuck in modern warfare 2 (after the 1 ^^') so hard to get together playing and having fun (I'm playing more diversified games). Of course it's not what difined our relation or feelings (wich is so far more deep and important that games) but I miss it anyway.
I only hope it's less hard for you (dear Belgium country) and Tjavo (Heyyyyy Dudeeee X-D) and that you are still enjoying that much your new heatset ;-).
I would like to be able to move like I said, like I did before and I'm hurry to be able to do it :-D
Mac.Clayne 24 Feb, 2011 @ 3:44pm 
I miss you and nothing change, no way of forgeting or something like that you have to know it that's important.
I miss you and Tjavo (I had a thougth for you when APB gets back ;-P) and hurry to move to see you both. And met Orlando too :-D.
Take care of you, I'm still here.
Mouaaaaaah !
Ho Lee Schitt 2 Jan, 2011 @ 6:14am 
Thank you for un-ignoring me, and see you soon in Black Ops again. :)
Mac.Clayne 1 Jan, 2011 @ 2:44pm 
Last day of my job yesterday... I'm gonna take some free times before working again... perhaps around 2 or 3 month. So i'm thinking about moving :-] So perhaps I could move into belgium what do you think about that ? Not for 2 or 3 months of course lol X-D
Just some days, and I could go to see you you and Tjavo, warned this time ^^
I miss you hon, and Tjavo too, I would be very glad to see you both soon. And your brother too ! Since the time I'm talking with sometimes on steam. I would be very proud and glad to met him. Orlando !
Your dear Mac Mwaaaah !
Topido 11 Dec, 2010 @ 8:20am 
£Ļ GuirGuirY ™... 21 Oct, 2010 @ 12:11pm 
Hellow and nice time playing Killing Floor ^^
Mike Nike 14 Oct, 2010 @ 1:08pm 
1400 hours on Killing FLoor - respect! Ever thought about playing L4D2? If so gimme a call!
Juustro 1 Oct, 2010 @ 2:53pm 
Guess what! I FINALY got all my perks to level 6 in KF :D
DOOOOOOOM 24 Sep, 2010 @ 2:24am 
......... your weirdo...... =_=
the.transfer 15 Sep, 2010 @ 2:45pm 
KBI being reformed...
LozzaRozza 29 Aug, 2010 @ 5:00am 
…………\_…………………. ./
……………l……………….. .l


LozzaRozza 27 Aug, 2010 @ 4:05pm 
When you come online and you are sorted after ya long night shifts, just wanted to say hey :D lol. and let you know im ok and missing you :P. hope your well and cant wait to chat and play again soon :D take care xx
Mac.Clayne 25 Aug, 2010 @ 2:12pm 
did you get my two messages on your phone ? :-]
Mac.Clayne 11 Aug, 2010 @ 3:37pm 
and.. I have to go to bed /-)
Tjavo 31 Jul, 2010 @ 4:23am 
12 things ur doing:
1. Your reading my comment
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts
Copy and paste to 1 Profile, tomorrow will be your best day ever! no matter what
MiSs.BuLl'sEyE 10 Jul, 2010 @ 9:44pm 
Glad to hear you enjoyed that mellow, hilarious clip,we share the same humor it seems lol...
The KF clip is just nice to check out for the first generation (veterans) of the KF players..IT WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A GAME CLASSIC TO ME..
TheWater 10 Jul, 2010 @ 1:52pm 
lmfao thats a funny clip
LozzaRozza 30 Apr, 2010 @ 9:49am 
Bad ass teammate :)
Mac.Clayne 7 Apr, 2010 @ 3:12pm 
Mirkwit 14 Feb, 2010 @ 11:14am 
ide just thought ide tell you that i just recently accidentally joined ur server because it happened to be on my favorit map and difficulty lol. somhow it was erased off my favoitrs. but anyways i had so much fun the last half hour. i had an personel record broken with 1st place and 411 kills. lol i got over 350 headshots. i think my new favoirt weapon is the xbow haha. just thought ide share with you
Mac.Clayne 2 Feb, 2010 @ 5:09pm 
Mac was here...
Tjavo 26 May, 2009 @ 10:01pm 
Hey men Zotje... xXx