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发布于:2018 年 2 月 24 日 下午 4:08

The Elder Scrolls V released yet again. Time to go back to a wonderful world with wonderful forests, majestic mountains and a immersive harsh land just whaiting for you. The Lore is fantastic and expansive. Take your time. The game is set on the planet Nirn. Nirn is a planet with continents and islands. but you will have the oppertunity to explore the continent of Tamriel. Tamriel Conatins the countrys/Provinces High Rock, Hammerfell, Skyrim, Morrowind, Black Marsh, Elsweyr, Valen Wood, The Summerset isle's and in the heart Cyrodiil. You Will explore the cold and harsh province of Skyrim in the northen part of Tamriel, and home of the Nords.

The game starts out with you being trasported to the execursoners block together with a bunsh of freedom fighters. Skyrim is controlled over by an Empire that got crippled by the elven factions in the south. they demanded a ban on the humen god of Talos in all Imperiol provinces for a peace treaty. This was not accepted of the Nords they would rather die than get humiliated by the elves. Thats where the civil war get's up. The Rebels and their leasder Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak got captured with you.

You will later discover that the Dragons have rerturned after four eras. Your mission after the escape is to find out why and what to do. if not you get lost in the beatiful world.

Pickup a sword and a shield or drop the shield and get a fire spell are have 1 spell in each hand or maybe wield a war hammer. The oppertunities are endless and yours to explore.

I will recemend you to get this game werry much. The quest's and he things you can do. for exemple you can chose witch side of the civil war you will help. The Stormcloaks (The right faction from my Point of view) or the Empire. If you not feel like it dont get involved and try to get a peace treaty if you want.

This game have achivments and trading cards. also if you have the old skyrim with all DLC you get this game free (like me) If i could rate this again i will rate it 10/10 like it got when realesed first time in 2011.

What are you whating for go out and explore the wast world!

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