The Oracle
Bruno Gonçalves
If you open your mind for me, you won't rely on open eyes to see...
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Easy for those who have perfect pitch, but still very fun, since you can learn all the names of scales and chords, and play with tons of different instruments. For the “pitch guessing” mode I suggest an option with multiple notes played at the same time, with the option to choose between different instruments for each note. The “scale guessing” mode is fine and the “key guessing” is very fun, but the last chord/note that is played twice at the end of each algorithm generated song makes the task really easy since it turns it on a simple “key guessing” mode. It should be removed. Overall the game is very fun and has a lot a value for those who want to test the ears while learning the names of chords, scales and even get inspired with some randomly generated theme you can hear (and maybe have a cool idea for a song?). We need more games like this on Steam (games that test perception). I recommend this one, for musicians or ordinary people who just want to learn more about how music is built.

Ps: I didn’t know there was a “Blues Scale”, but when I first listened to it, I immediately thought: “This is blues!” – a few seconds later, there was the option to select. Really cool :)
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Jaybee 12 nov. 2023 à 5h34 
Just replied to you comment on my Talos 2 review - thanks. Played all of the games above except for Sherlock Holmes.
Steph S. 25 janv. 2021 à 14h41 
:HuntressMoon:      :hpcomet::dsparkle:
:dsparkle:   :omj_boat:         :fort::_TREE_:   :dsparkle:
      :Rainy::gcbrick::gcbrick::gcbrick:        :Rainy::gcbrick:
   :dsparkle:      :Rainy:      :ZombillieRemains:    :Rainy:
:dsparkle::cmwz::dsparkle:         :rhsskull::gcbrick:
Pretty Liar 31 déc. 2017 à 4h49 
С Новым годом! С новым счастьем! Пускай этот год будет таким же преданным, ласковым и дружеским, как его символ! Радости в ваш дом, хорошего настроения и исполнения заветных желаний!
Blueskates 5 oct. 2015 à 19h51 
I am most Honored for the invite Sir Bruno :Honored:
Good number of achievements Sir Bruno :Perseverance:
Please stop by and say Hi :Hi: when you fell like it....
Good gaming Sir :hat1: