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29 people found this review helpful
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7.6 hrs on record
This game is nearly ten years old, I'm not going to lie to you, it's aged. Not in a good way like a wine either.

The Good:
The first person shooter mechanics work well, though they do feel like an older style. This game tends to be "run and gun", think Quake, but perhaps a little more tactical. The enemy AI don't exactly outwit you, although, do they ever in a first person shooter? The combat is surprisingly fun, and the bullets feel surprisingly real. You get shot in the head with a rifle in real life, chances are you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥. You get shot in the head with a rifle in Call of Juarez? Chances are... you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Don't get me wrong though, this is no Dark Souls. The combat can be challenging (at least I found it so on normal difficulty), but you're not going to be repeating fights over and over again.

The story on offer whilst not ground-breaking is what any Western fan would like. You've got fabelled treasure, Mexicans, a Native American who offers spiritual guidance, and of course vengance.

The Bad:
The voice acting in this game is average as hell. In particular the main character sounded so false I'm convinced that I myself could portray a bastard Mexican better. The Preacher's voice on the otherhand was pretty bad ass, so not too many points lost here.

The Ugly:
The graphics like the rest of the game are close to 10 years old. They're pretty gross and the textures lack diversity. That being said, you probably can't find any other game of this age that has aged any better. The graphics are still at a level where gameplay isn't a blurred mess, all the main characters look distinct and that's good enough for me!

Do you love Westerns? Do you like feeling love you're a cowboy? Can you tolerate a dated game?
If you're answer is yes to these, this games worth picking up.
Do you love high res textures? Do you love high quality voiceacting? Do you hate dated mechanics?
If you're answer is yes to these, don't bother. Get down to gamestop for the latest and greatest Assassins of Duty III - Escape to Africa :^)

My personal score: 8/10, looking forward to picking up the sequel.
Posted 6 September, 2015.
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433.4 hrs on record (376.6 hrs at review time)
The most recent title in Bethesda's legendary series is not the best of them all in my opinion. However it's revised combat and interface features are certainly welcome! The main problem I have with this game is that it really doesn't give you the "You're worthless" treatment of it's predecessors. From early on in the game you are treated as a demi-god by many of the NPC's you encounter. Compare this to the likes of Morrowind where you're constantly reminded of your lack of worth it really does make the game less enjoyable as far as earning respect within the NPC's communities. One thing can be agreed on by all fans of Skyrim however, and this is that shouting your opponents to death with a dragon's voice is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome!!!
Posted 6 December, 2013.
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5.6 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
The ally AI are terrible. But all in all it's a nice dungeon hack and slash mixed with the LOTR lore.
Posted 6 December, 2013.
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