Lenora   Tasmania, Australia
Transgender Dork from Australia!

Trans Rights, BLM, Slava Ukraini
Completionist Showcase
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
29 Hours played
A Hat in Time is a fantastic game. Easily an 8/10 from me, the charm the game oozes was enough to draw me in. The movements are all smooth, and while I was mostly confused to start with, I very quickly got a hang of all the movement abilities. All of which flow smoothly into one another, movement from jump, to roll to ladder all flow into each other well. Which comes across to me as well polished and well thought out. The physics of the game is a lot of fun, and the only thing that annoyed me here and there was the way the camera moves and how it controls. But it isn't necessarily the worst and was easy to get a hang of.

The story is very cute, it almost seems like this is all in the little girls head if it weren't for the forest level. It was all very fun, with many laughs from me throughout the game. The only thing I could really pick at the story for was that the Moustache girl could have easily been foiled if Hat Kid said that the time pieces were to go home.
The story otherwise, was fantastic. I was thoroughly invested all the way throughout the game, and while quite cutesy and childlike on the surface much of its deeper story and lore plays a lot heavier for the older audience.

The sound track filled me with energy, and it's motif occurring in unique ways in each level was utterly fantastic. Which played with how each level looked perfectly, every area having its own unique appearances and characters was amazing. With only the need to give the extras some more varies voices being my one real complaint.

Both of the DLC too are in their own right great. The sheer amount Nyakuza Metro adds story wise and gameplay wise is fun. With a charismatic well designed villain to boot. With Deal the Deal being another fun content add, though the seal part of the title was short it still added some fun characters. And Deal making each previous level far more difficult if you are so inclined.

My only other real complaint (and this is a stretch) is that I wish you could take custom screenshots without having to equip it as a badge.

I leave all of this rambling with a strong recommendation. I very much enjoyed every minute of the game. Every hour, It was all such an absolute blast. With stuff still left to do I still feel strongly inclined to hop back in and go on an adventure through the world.
And I was definitely not told by the Mafia to give this a good rating.

I am sure they would punch me anyway.
Screenshot Showcase
Revexia 7 Nov, 2023 @ 8:47am 
Une merveilleuse et ptite créature, je l'aime beaucoup- Tu dois elle faire une câlin <3
Miss Quakie 8 Oct, 2023 @ 11:01pm 
La meilleure ptite mais grande (mais toujours petite [mais grande]) ptite grande soeur :WhiteWolfInterset:
Milo! 12 Aug, 2023 @ 5:34pm 
A very pleasant yinglet, lovely voice and very fem
Kalephax 29 Jul, 2023 @ 12:43am 
WHAT.... your trans gener.....
that is so cool....