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kayıtlarda 6.4 saat
:Game played and completed on Itch:

​Serve drinks and learn the stories of your regulars as a barista running an overnight coffee shop in a mixture of a modern and fantasy setting. Great expressive art style and backgrounds. Good relaxing soundtrack, with music you can change during your shift. Characters are all enjoyable to interact with and learn about, you will frequently see two to four of them talking to each other as well so conversations aren't limited to being one on one or just you listening as many of these games tend to be.

Doesn't focus much on the wider world and your drink making doesn't usually matter to the extent it did in the somewhat similar game VA-11 HALL-A.​ Not necessarily a bad thing as there is just less focus on earning money and wider events as opposed to just being with the characters in the moment often having issues with their family, relationships, or jobs.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1282197282452955136
Yayınlanma 14 Şubat.
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kayıtlarda 19.6 saat
Successfully mixes heartfelt moments with horror, interesting mechanics, a perfectly fitting art style, excellent work from a voice cast able to fill different personalities, and atmospheric music.

The narrator announces that, "You're on a path in the woods, and at the end of that path, is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess." He then tells you that it is your job to slay the princess to save the universe. You can question the voice but soon discover that you must always press on through the environment to reach a lone cabin, once in the cabin a blade waits to be picked up if you choose to take it and you take a path down into the basement. What you say and how you interact with the Princess will then take you to a second, third, or fourth chapter as you play through a scenario with different versions of the Princess until you reach a possible ending for that path. You are typically the silent one making the decisions that others speak to but along with the narrator you are joined by your inner monologue named Voice of the Hero, along with the voice of the hero you will pick up other voices such as the Hunted, Broken, Opportunist, Contrarian, Paranoid, Smitten, Skeptic, Stubborn, Cheated, and Cold each one adding more to a potential situation with their own thoughts that can lead to different endings on the current path and for different conversations to play out between them. A voice might be an automatic companion on a particular path while others can be acquired based on your actions, thoughts, or conversation choices. Each run through the game requires the completion of five paths where you will learn more about who you, the Princess, and the narrator really are before a final confrontation decides how you view your relationship and your roles in the setting.

The writing and voice work are a high point that perfectly fit the artwork and music, even with the short time spent with the Princess' different personalities the game gives depth to them and often to the narrator who can be a source oh humor as he attempts to deal with your other internal voices or be given more humanity as he questions his goals and what your character and the Princess can be put through.

Screenshots: https://bsky.app/profile/kennanw.bsky.social/post/3lhnaadiw2c24
Yayınlanma 7 Şubat. Son düzenlenme 8 Şubat.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 33.3 saat
A deckbuilding roguelike with a good amount of customization that combines the usual battles you see in the genre with negotiation battles with a separate deck and its own gameplay elements as well as the ability to make friends and enemies through your actions.

There are three different characters to play as with their own cards to unlock but also their own unique passive features and card keywords focuses to build their decks around. Each has their own story to play through set in a unique area as well as having a more linear mode where you remove the story elements to complete a chain of jobs and boss fights over the course of a few days (while still being able to hire and befriend people). You can unlock a set of three random cards to choose from by completing quests or battles/negotiations (or you can take none of them to get bonus money), you can find merchants that sell cards, pay to have cards removed from your decks, and you can buy "grafts" that will give you permanent bonuses in combat or negotiations sometimes with negative trade offs. Characters you meet can be neutral towards you or can come to like, dislike, love, or hate you with certain dispositions making them more likely to help you or aid your enemies, charge you more or less for favors, be more accepting of negotiations against you, and characters that love or hate you will give you a passive bonus or penalty as long as they are alive.

Combat involves you drawing and playing cards with your available action points to do damage, add defense to yourself or allies, or to create a variety of status effects like bleed, counter, injure, impair, scorch, charge, draw, combo, etc while trying to either kill your enemies or to bring them down to a panic state of health where they will attempt to surrender. Accepting surrender might change events, cause them to like you, or cause them to show up in later events or just around the world. Killing your opponents will cause them to drop a card assigned to them but if not killed in a remote locations can often lead to friends of theirs hating you. The battles have a good variety of combat animations and nice to see touches like character blocking attacks with their weapons when they have built up enough defense to avoid damage.

Diplomacy battles are a more unique feature where both sides have a core argument they seek to protect while destroying their opponents, these battles also use your character's resolve instead of their HP. You try to play cards that damage your opponents arguments, play side arguments that fill a circle around your character and provide a variety of benefits while they remain in play, and stack composure onto your arguments so they avoid damage. There is some nice variety in these depending on the kind of characters you go up against. A military or police like character might try to plant evidence on you, giving you arguments that give you penalties if they manage to destroy them, thieves might create arguments that steal your cards, merchants keep inserting bribe cards into your deck that you can try to ignore or pay the cost in money to help destroy their arguments, cultists might have weak attacks but their side arguments can start to target all of your arguments at once for high damage. Going into negotiations where you are trying to be intimidating will add cards to your deck that give a bonus to your more aggression based cards. Having allies, pets, or friends in the area won't see them join you like they do in combat but they will appear as side arguments giving you helpful effects.

Cards have an experience value and once they hit that from using them the required number of times you will be able to upgrade them. The higher value cards give you two options to pick from with them usually either favoring different playstyles, having different passive benefits, or giving you an option of a more stable or random effect. Many of the default cards you start with have a much wider variety of upgrades that it will choose two options out of randomly, some just making them a bit better, some being more useful for a certain playstyle, and one possibility greatly increasing the effect of the card but permanently destroying it once used to give you more control of your future deck.

There is a good amount of customization for your playthroughs. In addition to the story modes just having different quests, side activities, paths, and boss spawns you can unlock permanent bonuses that stick with you between playthroughs, unlock powerful perks that you can choose three of to have active when you play, new card sets are unlocked for each character giving a wider variety to unlock while playing but also allowing you to turn sets you don't like off, a large number of mutator options can make the game easier or more difficult (even removing those character bonuses you unlock over time), and both modes of play have seven different prestige levels to play on with each higher level making the game more difficult in different ways (also supporting a beginner and story focused mode).

Looks good with good animations, writing is often entertaining, variety of deck types to focus on for each character, negotiation battles and making allies and enemies is a nice change up for the genre, and there are a lot of ways to change up how the game plays.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1495215057227051010
Yayınlanma 4 Şubat.
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kayıtlarda 72.0 saat
Handles the first often rushed through half of RotTK well with better characterization of some of the cast than is often seen and makes good changes to combat and large battles, but your original character is devoid of personality and can take away from the plot and accomplishments of others and a lot of the overworld section is unnecessary.

The best part of this new entry is the handling of large battles and the mechanics that come with the combat. You are frequently in very large battles where factions might have an army which is a massive formation of soldiers and officers with some special soldiers like shield walls, cavalry, chariots, archer towers, etc being thrown in as well. Charging these by yourself, especially on the two higher difficulties will likely get you killed as you are completely surrounded by enemies, officers give orders to power up soldiers, and objectives get where characters on both sides might attempt some type of tactic to powerup their force or damage the enemy if you don't prevent or help it succeed. Their is morale system that can increase or decrease based on battle conditions, officers and soldiers defeated, and at times by accepting an enemy officer's challenge to a duel that puts you in a one on one fight where the winner both decreases the morale of the enemy and briefly stuns nearby enemy soldiers that were watching the fight allowing them to be killed in one hit. Completing certain objects and getting allied officers to the right spot in a battle can allow you to join them in charges or ambushes that can weaken or quickly defeat some forces or armies. Battles with a town or castle might involve siege weapons on both sides where you try to take a base to create rams or catapults or find a high ground position for siege weaponry to move to. As the game goes on you get access to soldiers that follow you around in battle, like a weaker versions of the old bodyguard system, except here you can eventually have over 30 soldiers and you learn tactics over time where you can order them to perform different types of arrow volleys, mounted charges, form a shield wall to advance on ranged troops, switch to large shields to hold a position like the entrance to a base, perform a battle cry to lower enemy morale, etc with some tactics being more effective in certain situations like an arrow volley from a high ground position.

The weapon selection is limited to 10 but each one has its own unique features and mechanics. The sword acts as a classic Dynasty Warriors weapon with a different types of chained strong attack following depending on how many of the six light attacks you have performed, a lance can enter a charged mode where you can tank damage and activate a more powerful attack once you have been hit enough, the wheels can be thrown and allow you to activate more powerful strong attacks and skills if you use certain moves right after catching them when they come back to you, the spear has a variety of powerful moves for hitting enemies directly in front of you or in the air, Lu Bu's halberds change up some elements of your rage mode and dodging while giving you attack animations that make you feel like the biggest badass in the battle. Some unique officers and generic officer types still use their normal weapon that isn't available to you, you will still see some character with large clubs, the fan weapon for strategists. Each weapon has a variety of unique skills as well as a few that are learned by your character and shared by all weapon types, you can equip four skills at once and can swap them or your weapon type out while in battle through the pause menu. You power your skills by spending bravery that is gained you attack and parry enemy attacks. Blocks, parries, dodges, and perfect dodges are now a big part of the game and all of them are handled perfectly, basically handling like the Ninja Gaiden series where you push the button it happens and it happens when you say so, there is no "you just started a combo and your character is too dumb to stop it to move out of the way until this three second chain ends." You can chain two dodges together and dodging right before an attack hits you gives you a perfect dodge to increase your bravery.

On the lower two difficulty settings you can just hold block to defend against all normal attacks but doing so on the higher difficulty will reduce your bravery. Blocking right before a normal enemy attacks will parry their blows, blocking right before an officer attacks leads to a counter animation that is different depending on your weapon that will do some damage, stun them briefly, and lower their fortitude. When their fortitude is broken you can use a strong attack to either kill them immediately by entering into a few different finishing animations for each weapon or put them into a chain attack where you launch nearby enemies into the air, possibly multiple officers of timed right, and do a high amount of damage with a series of attacks. Enemy officers can enter into different attack stances where glowing yellow tells you a charged unlockable attack is coming unless you hit them with a skill that has an effect that cancels the charge, a white glow is a charged mode they can be knocked out of with a strong attack or skill, and a red glow is a more powerful charged attack you will have to dodge that they can not be prevented from using. You have access to the usual musou meter that increases as you do and take damage that allows you to perform an AoE attack animation but allowing the meter to fill all the way allows access to a rage mode where your bravery is maxed out and you can use as many weapon skills as you want before the mode ends with a massive AoE attack that if used in the right spot can kill over 1000 enemies by itself.

Depending on which of the three factions you are working with you have nine characters who might be able to join you depending on the battle. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Gai, Sun Shangxiang, Zhou Yu, Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao, Guo Jia, and Lu Bu who is an extra unlockable that can be used on battle replays. Choosing a character moves you to their start point in battle and has them follow you around and fight with you. As you fill up a meter you can switch to them for a time where your character will then follow. Each character is limited to the one weapon type, the same 10 you are able to use already, and they always have the same four skills equipped that are ones you will also have access to. Usually they do tend to have one or two of the more powerful skills for a weapon type and you can also access their own rage musou mode for a large attack. You can also choose to enter a battle without a companion which will leave everyone in their normal spots acting as they normally would depending on the stage, which might be a better options depending on what you are doing.

You character ranks up, getting both stat increases and access to mostly new passive bonuses to spend skill points on, by increasing your ranking with each of the game's 10 weapons so it is a good idea to switch between the weapons you are using over time. I did find each of them fun in their own ways and they all were perfectly useable though a few did seem like the better options on the harder difficulties. As a weapon type ranks up you can also unlock new abilities and skills for it. Other weapon skills can be obtained by buying them in shops, complete certain sub objectives on the hardest difficulty, or max out bonds with the characters that act as companion options.

There are some good story moments for characters outside of battles during events, cutscenes, or planning stages and they did a pretty good job with the parts of the story that are often ignored or rushed through but they took out a lot of what should be in battle scenes and important moments for characters. From not including....

Full Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Kennan/review/2384483/
Yayınlanma 1 Şubat.
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kayıtlarda 15.9 saat
If Freedom Planet was like a better 16-bit version of classic Genesis titles like Sonic, Rocket Knight, and Ristar then Freedom Planet 2 is like an even better version of the 32-bit Saturn games they never had.

The three main playable characters from the first game return along with a fourth protagonist playable for the first time. Lilac having hair whip attacks a long ranged dodge move and a special attack that can either launch her forward or forward and up or down while bouncing off any surface she comes into contact with. Carol has fast attacks, can wall jump, has the Sonic styles rolling attack, a throwable disk weapon that she can teleport to, and the ability to find her motorcycle that she can either ride or store to access later. Milla has slower physical attacks but has a shield that can deflect enemy projectiles that also allow for a ranged attack, a jump you can hold that has her slowly gaining more height, and can call in blocks that follow her that can be shot for a powerful piercing ranged attack or fired quickly behind or below her for some added speed or height on a jump. Neera has a slower but longer ranged spear attack that can also fire ranged strikes when stationary, a dodge that also activates a focus mode that makes her attack faster, her spear thrusts can add to her forward momentum and launch her forward in mid air, and her special ability gives her various ice powered moves like freezing a hit target or making a whirlpool around her to hit near or aerial targets. Despite their differences in playstyle, each of the four playable characters can build up a fast speed that remains controllable thanks to the combination of view space, tight controls, the dodge move that gives brief invulnerability frames, and a lack of instant kill traps and death pits that you would constantly find in the Sonic games. You have to choose a character at the start of the game and play through entirely as them, you can make 10 different save files but this was still disappointing as you would need to acquire any items or side content again for each playthrough. Each character does get some unique cutscenes or lines when they run into some stage bosses and conversations inside of a stage might change as well depending on who you are controlling.

The stages themselves offer a lot of variety with many having their own kind of unique elements to them being the enemy types, unique objects to interact with, or even moments where you briefly control a giant robot or where the game becomes a shoot em up as you take control of a ship. Before going into a level you can equip up to two items and create a potion bottle by filling it five times with the same or different potion types to increase different passive effects, many of these will make you stronger in different ways while equipping nothing or items with penalties can improve your score. The items bring a bit more possible variety on top of what the different characters already add to the game.

The graphics have been improved and the character animations and stage backgrounds have a lot of detail and personality, even for more minor animations like hitting a bumper at a fast speed and having a short period where your character might be running backwards with a unique animation before turning around or Carol still managing to climb on ropes while on her motorcycle but now clearly straining from the effort.

On the normal difficult I found the game to be pretty easy, I never lost all my life stock in a stage forcing me to restart it. When you die you can use one of your lives to either start at your last checkpoint or to respawn in the same spot with only one of your seven life points intact. I played on normal, setting it to hard or equipping no items or items with penalties to get a higher stage ranking would make the game more difficult for people looking for a challenge, and for people looking for even less of a challenge there is an easy mode and a variety of assist options that can be turned on.

With the large number and wide variety of stages with both good level design and detailed environments, responsive controls, a decent story, and variety with the four playable characters and equipable items and potions this is easily one of the better action platformers I've played and the best that has a focus on speed and/or perfecting stage speed runs. The first game was good enough that no one should have cared about getting a new 2D Sonic game with Freedom Planet out and this sequel improves on the first in every way.
Screenshots: https://bsky.app/profile/kennanw.bsky.social/post/3lfu6ipbnus23
Yayınlanma 16 Ocak. Son düzenlenme 16 Ocak.
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kayıtlarda 7.0 saat
An excellent 2D sidescroller merging elements of classic 16-bit titles like Sonic, Rocket Knight, and Ristar depending on which character you play as, typically doing everything better than those games. Great sprite art and environments with a decent story and voice acting.
Yayınlanma 13 Ocak.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 4.4 saat
A government agency seeks out the retired and broken Alphonse Harding in the forests where he has become a hermit. General Burkin offers another one last job, Harding's refusal leads to three hours of fast paced precision and blood filled FPS speedrunning and a mixture of comedic and humanizing narrative moments

Your move set includes punches, the ability to crouch and a slide that can knock down enemies, jumping, you can climb up trees and along branches, instant kill enemies when you drop on them, you can kick and jump kick enemies over and stomp on them on the ground to kill them, and you can take any weapons that enemies are holding, often needing to catch them as they fly through the air after you kill their former wielder. Pistols, shotguns, rifles, and sniper rifles have a limited amount of ammo and once used can be thrown at an enemy to knock them down, you can find melee weapons like branches and knives that down an enemy in one hit but break after three uses.

The goal is often to reach an escape area where you are scored on your final time, killing enemies gives you a better final time depending on how you kill enemies. A normal kill removes .3 seconds, while headshots and one hit kills with a shotgun or sniper rifle remove .5, throwing a knife removes .6, stomping on downed enemies removes a good amount of time but slows you down but doing a jump kick just to quickly knock an enemy down allows you to keep your speed and can do an instant kill if it was from behind to remove a full second. You primarily want to prioritize quick headshots or one shot kills and knife throws while looking for environmental kills that remove larger amounts of time from shooting things like explosive barrels or hornets nest. Some missions give different main objectives like killing all enemies, surviving waves of enemies, using laptops, or destroy satellites but your playstyle will often remain the same. Each stage has two side objects that you can unlock after completing the stage and the challenge before that can include things like getting a certain number of kills, not picking up health, not killing any enemies, etc. The game allows you to play in a slower way, you can make more use of cover and aim your guns for a bit of slower zoomed in view and you might want to do this if you are trying to learn a stage before going for S rankings but the game is made for and feels its best when you are quickly running through enemies and rapidly chaining kills.

Between every one or two stages there is a brief audio segment where Harding talks to himself, the general, or his new and only friend to continue the narrative before dropping you into the next quick set piece encounter.

Outside of the stages in the main campaign are a variety of challenge missions that can be unlocked by getting S ranks and completing side objectives in the main missions. There are also nine bonus missions added after release with their own story segments where the few surviving soldiers hold a therapy session where they tell their stories about their encounters with Harding. These new missions often being more challenging than most of the main levels and involving more of a certain mechanic like one being full of trip mine traps and claymores and another filled with bee hives you can drop onto your enemies.

In the options menus I recommend turning continuous spring on so you don't even have to hold the button and removing any aim assist as it can pull your shots away from the headshot and explosive barrel shots that you are likely to be going for.

Well made fast paced action game with good short story moments that humanize the player character that you never see. Those who plan to practice the stages to get the highest rankings on each one will get the most out of it but the base gameplay is good enough even for those less concerned about speed running and trying for the perfect runs.
Screenshots: https://bsky.app/profile/kennanw.bsky.social/post/3lfjdaw7um22a
Yayınlanma 11 Ocak.
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kayıtlarda 2.9 saat
A first person point and click horror title with an uninteresting story to uncover but an atmospheric visual style that's like a shifting monochromatic old computer look and sound design to it that does a lot with a little.

You are a reporter investigating a house where the family disappeared years ago. Once you find a way in you discover a note on a body by the front door and four candles each guarded by a figure or body that must be blown out to disrupt a ritual. You need to find the items that each of the guards react to in order to safely interact with the candle. You move around with the mouse or keyboard in up, left, right, or down directions where the color of the game goes from green to red when you are about to be in danger. Eventually a woman with a knife will attack you and you need to avoid her by either waiting in a room or hiding in a dresser or trunk where you can check to see if the woman is near and close your eyes temporarily to try to get her to leave.

For the low price it works as a short horror game, mostly thanks to the art style and not mechanically overstaying its welcome. The writing has some errors and is never a particularly strong point so most of the descriptive text of the variety of non essential things you can inspect in the environment don't add much to the setting. There are some good atmospheric design choices like the way you search dark areas by only highlighting a small portion of them with the flashlight or finding what can seem like potential threats as you explore as bodies or strange objects move or appear in the shadows or a bookshelf leaves a message for you with the book titles, though this is hurt by you never actually being in danger in these situations or doing anything mechanically interesting with these moments. The threat of the game is minimized by the save points in each corner of the house and the woman tending to be very easy to avoid or nearly impossible which will likely just cause you to reload your last save, you can also take two hits from her and can find multiple healing items in the house.

Worth a look if the visual style interests you at such a low price, and would be a very engaging style of horror game if a better writer was involved and if the mechanics were just slightly expanded on.

Screenshots: https://bsky.app/profile/kennanw.bsky.social/post/3lfemqwtuqs2u
Yayınlanma 9 Ocak.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 5.3 saat
Beautiful and charming magical realism adventure about traversing the highlands of Scotland to reach your uncle's lighthouse while meeting strange folk and learning tales of the land and your past along the way, also potentially infuriating.

Moira receives a letter from her Uncle Hamish requesting her to show up at his lighthouse by Beltane. She leaves her house and mother and travels over the hills to reach the lighthouse and the sea she has never been to before. You run, jump, and climb across the highlands finding maps, notes, runes, caves, and sketches that give you alternate routes to reach your destination, using the high points of areas to examine and mark spots on maps as well as attempting to correctly name the overlook spots to guide your current and future routes. As you travel you can run into other strange, mythical, or imagined characters to speak to and find items that can be used with certain objects for new paths, to see more story details, or to leave behind on overlooks in order to bless them. You lose stamina and have to stop to rest as you run or climb and falling or behind stuck in the rain or cold without shelter can reduce your health and max health until you rest. "Dying" takes you to a nearby area but will lose you time from your seven day goal. Finding certain birds in each area, sleeping, and blessing overlooks can give you additional narration through a story being told and of past talks between a couple with a child. Through normal progression you hear narration from your uncle talking about the area and old stories and legends and Moira talks about her home life and stories her uncle has told her in letters.

The game is classified as an adventure and rhythm game, rhythm due to the moments when you get to a longer flatter stretch of land where you run through the environment while an instrumental track plays that has you hitting two different buttons to jump in highlighted areas that match the beat of the music. These moments are so short and simple and such a minor part of what you will be spending your time doing that I would not base your decision to try this game at all on whether you like or dislike music rhythm QTE style sections in games. It's more of just a quick travel from two points as you listen to the game's good soundtrack that would otherwise have you more slowly while just holding a direction button.

The environment and art style, acting, music, stories and hidden elements to discover are the high points as is often the case with Inkle's work. The act of just getting from point A to B with the platforming is a bit more generic. Your first time through the game might also lead to frustration like mine did. On replays you can keep items that you still have in your inventory, have the overlooks you have reached marked and still named, map points you have discovered are still marked and maps you have collected but have not discovered the location they point to will still be in your inventory. This makes future playthrough likely more enjoyable as you can take new paths and enjoy the setting. When I had my first playthrough a spent a large amount of time seemingly stuck in caves with multiple routes I could not access because I had no sharp item to cut a rope on one path or remove rust on an object for another, and after running back and forth for some time only succeeded in finding fast travel like hidden cave routes that only took me back to a path I couldn't access. Finally finding a way out of that area I reached a dam that has a spot I marked that would lead to another area, upon reaching the spot she wouldn't interact with it but I assumed that it was due to the water coming down and I saw a lever on top of the dam. Climbing up it I was finally happy to have an item that let me interact with the lever that left to opening exposed. Going back down to it, I ran into the only time Moira just says she doesn't want to enter it with seemingly no options to get through that way. After I found another way to go I soon found three sharp objects in a row that would have let me interact with the two points stopping me before. It was a series of events that started to greatly lower my opinion of the game that eventually started to go away and was less of an issue in my next playthrough, though I have seen similar thoughts shared by people who also seem to be typically lost in caves or that are running back and forth trying to find a path forward.

A good and quick experience that also promotes replays with excellent art, narration, and music and mechanics that are fine but where you will likely be playing more to learn more about the environment, lore, and characters.

Screenshots: https://bsky.app/profile/kennanw.bsky.social/post/3lf52tvgxec2k
Yayınlanma 6 Ocak.
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kayıtlarda 5.8 saat
A short turn based RPG set in 15th century Hungary where a heartbroken knight who has taken to drink battles invading Hussites and begins to uncover the schemes of a supernatural cult his wife is involved with. Striking art and music, multiple ways for some events and character fates to play out, simple but charming looking battles, mixes heartfelt and comedic moments to good effect.

As he drinks in his room, Pavol witness the burning of an old fort in the distance and is sent by the local lord along with the priest Matej, who initially seems highly devout but has moments of flexibility as the game goes on, to find out what they can about the fire. There becomes an almost buddy cop movie feeling between the two as they start at odds but warm to one another's personality traits. As events play out you can have different guest characters in your party, some as side comedic characters who quickly leave and some with a story role to play. You might discover more information or side events that allow you to handle situations in different ways or discover information that might save or kill one of the game's characters. Characters have their comedic moments and personalities but also their serious moments, such as your lord constantly importing board games and seeking people to play with him even those you bring back to his keep for safe refuge or as prisoners but who also is willing to join you in battle or lead his forces to protect the land from the threats you uncover.

The art style remains unique and striking in the isometric view as you travel around, inside the battles that play out like first person dungeon crawlers where different weapons and items play out detailed animations in front of you, or the in the few cutscenes the game features. The atmosphere further enhanced by the excellent soundtrack from the psychedelic band Marcel Gidote's Holy Crab.

The battle system is the weaker spot of the game. It works well enough and doesn't tend to overstay its welcome with each fight being a unique encounter and the visuals being good. What holds it back is that even when you equip different items that might allow access to new special abilities you are really only doing the same things over and over. Using Pavol's half-sword to break the armor of stronger or more dangerous targets then hitting them until they die and moving to the next, healing with Matej blessing skill when injured and using items when needed or other party members in similar ways. Things likely only slightly changing near the end with some powerful attacks from ranged weapons. Enemies are constantly using stun attacks and if you have bad luck and someone gets focused on and goes down you either have to use an items that might seem rarer at the start of the game or wait for them to kill everyone so you can reload your last save. As the game goes on you will be swimming in money as there is never really any reason to even buy equipment but you can stock up on so many items that battles should never present a challenge.

A short RPG with enough well written personal and comedic moments and a unique art style I always wanted to see more of in and music that perfectly fit the game. The battles themselves might not be that interesting mechanically but they do a good job in not overstaying their welcome while maintaining the strong art style.

Screenshots: https://bsky.app/profile/kennanw.bsky.social/post/3lf23qx4lqk25
Yayınlanma 5 Ocak. Son düzenlenme 6 Ocak.
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