你真是个粉丝!   China
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zhem 19 янв в 15:34 
miss u bbg
poobonka 29 окт. 2021 г. в 9:33 
Second grade survival guide:

• second grade gets HARD. Stay on top of all your homework.

• in sexond grade you learn the hard $hit. Multiplication is no joke. may b get a tutor

• grammer and speling will kill you so practiece a lot

• dronk water

• study 40 hours a day

• dating gets real. this is the grade to get a serious boy/girlfriend. this isn’t 1st grade anymore. cooties aren’t a thing anymore.

• if u get a bad grade punch ur teacher in their crotch!

• 99.99% of people lose their virginity in 2nd grade. don’t get left behind

• girls: no more shopping at justice or baby gap anymore. shop at the real stores now. Like Victoria secret and brandy Melville
trippn 5 апр. 2021 г. в 14:38 
u noob
trippn 5 апр. 2021 г. в 14:38 
u play rust bro
poobonka 17 фев. 2021 г. в 7:40 
Attention all visitors to this profile:

This child is SEVERELY autistic.

Do not make loud noises near him.

Do not shine bright lights near him.

Do not look him directly in the eye.

Do not touch him or any of his toys.

Doing any of the above may set him off on an autistic rampage that could endanger the lives of many.
zhem 11 фев. 2021 г. в 19:54 
WAF | Aspect 神 10 Feb @ 6:36pm
give me your porcelain ak pls