Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
When The World Meets God and His Angel's and theres proof that God and Angels are real...i dont want hear it..i still have too worry bout the devil and repent all the unworldy powers begivest me by not just Jesus but the main source God ..Jesus, Moses, Angels get tempted too show up on earth and take me on and if they do Angel's gonna lose and God knows it and Angels will eventually be able copy me but not duplicate me God knows this When evilz world out there ..i just want everybidy know rest sleep be easy everything will be ok and trust God not your phone or google or Trump as long as im alive as long as i upload videos and long as tex comment i will tell everybody truth I live in Philadelphia my whole life and breaks my heart that people want be led by Trump demi gods Dictators and you yourself do not need be led or save by anybody but you ..i am so free and happy and dont wont let anybody tell me what do and if i ever did listen too a human 1 x in my life I listen George Washington and since Ben Franklin aint here its up 2 me restore USA restore faith in Washington and not D.C. Here in Philadelphia we still throw our trash outvwidows and i happyf and constitute soild steel here Philly and if they do overcome and i lose my rights as american and i have flee America from fake kings like trumpy bear wouldnt hurt me and i aint got vote or be led by anybody and nobody needs save me im already free and when a democracy falls. ..That make Joey Flite the real king England according streets tubes deans i if and when anybody takes over Usa and people are worried like they were in 1776 dontbworry Joeys Alive and training people daily and i wantbpeople know King Richard lV would take Trumps Crown and crowds and throwem in Eagles Stadium with thumbs down and maybe i could restore some faith into Americans again "That Washington army never left Vally Forge and Washington dc stole Captial from us Philadelphians and since im related Richard lll and im loyal Ben Franklin its only a matter of time im watching Traidor After Traidor i am obligated tell sound like this public and George Washington got me and Ben Got me Tom got me original copy not act on this..i can rul
Conor McIgor 27 dec 2021 om 4:50 
love u man
Clutche far 26 sep 2021 om 7:40 
guc 23 jun 2021 om 12:28 
cheating vacloading motherr♥♥♥♥