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投稿日: 2023年11月18日 8時12分

I originally came to know UltraKill from Maxor's famous Inaccurate Game Summary videos. Though I did not get it because of them. In fact my DM actually gifted me this game very great guy! I am not very good at this game certainly no pro. But that does not matter because this game is just fun whether you are able to chain husk kill combos and swap weapons like you are John Wick at an ATF compound. Or you have the reflexes of a rusted bike chain that is the only thing standing between you and the inside of an abandoned theme park. UltraKill is a fast paced trip of an experience and I do mean fast paced.

Not even my ADHD can keep up with the sheer amount of sensory details, viscera, and enemies on screen at any given time. In addition to having a solid and rewarding gameplay loop and a varied and versatile arsenal at your disposal. What really makes this game shine is just how absurd the creator makes the secret missions. From a dating simulator route to V1 taking the role of Crash Bandicoot there is something for everyone.

I highly recommend this title both for yourself and as a gift for friends. As of this writing Act III is still in development but it will certainly be worth the wait and hype given how amazing the Prelude and two proceeding Acts were. Buy this today before Gabriel makes you his ♥♥♥♥♥!
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