L1ttlehack ⇆ Trading
Momenteel offline
👋Welcome to my Steam Profile! Here are some statements below ( THEY ARE REALLY IMPORTANT, READ THEM, PLEASE ):

1. The whole inventory i have is tradable so you can feel free to send me any offer

2. If you wanna trade with me, just send me an offer or add me for discussion (make sure your profile and inventory are not private)

3. I'm checking the prices only via buff 163

4. Don't waste the time if you are going to scam me

5.Don't accept random people on steam, discord, facebook etc. Don't fall for discord scams in voice chat. Don't fall for reddit middleman or facebook group scams. Don't login to random websites. Please, NEVER log in to unfamiliar websites, even if someone famous asks you to do so

💚Enjoy trading!💚
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Recente activiteit
206 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 22 nov
2 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 7 jul
0 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 26 feb
100 XP
Kollege schnürschuh 23 nov om 15:24 
u online?
Zeee 29 okt om 18:47 
sent trade offer<3
very hard play good job))
skelly 4 sep om 14:19 
snow leopard
†AliG †ツ 21 jul om 16:09 
-rep he has to play with the cheater to win the game kid cry with his family
Lok_0115 2 apr om 10:21 
fk u