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23 people found this review helpful
5.1 hrs on record
worse than DoW1 technically, better than DoW1 graphically.

do you want to lose the ability to build buildings? do you want less units overall and a weird asinine system for making units? but the game looks a bit better?

then purchase away!
Posted 20 July, 2021.
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264.1 hrs on record (216.2 hrs at review time)
I don't think I even need to review this game

(but the grand prix wants a review and this is my most played game)

SO if you have a second, and a 10 dollar note spare(ish) may I HIGHLY recommend you pick up this absolute pristine diamond of a game.

- pick your game play style via characters.
- gradually unlock a plethora of weapons.
- I still haven't unlocked everything and look how long I've played it.
- so many damn bosses your head will explode, you'll have a hated one, and you'll have a favourite one.
- I still have a boss to beat, hell a few actually, because the difficulty can be high, but its all been fair so far, every time it was my fault, never has the game made me feel like it was to blame.
- the game play is high octane when it needs to and slow paced and calm in between fights, inventory management is fun in this game and also VERY easy with a controller.
- there isn't much story, but the story that is there is very well done, non intrusive and well written.
- devs have tended to this game beautifully and recently cast its final update with SO MUCH GOOD STUFF IN IT. if there were any negatives before, they were patched out in this update, they even just plain said "we're giving you more chests, and more weapons, every run"

- err... I suppose it could use another character? but I mean there isn't much else you could add in that respect without it looking too similar to other characters.
- sometimes the rooms themselves are a bit mean in design, the enemies you can all work out how they work but sometimes you'll get a puzzle room and go... "eh?..."
- the index could use a page for shrines (look at how tiny a thing I'm nitpicking at)

it takes a practically flawless game for me to give it 10/10.

and honestly, this fits the description, I can pick this game up any time of the day and thoroughly enjoy it, no matter my mood, or how long its been, its like coming home after a long trip away.

Posted 1 July, 2019.
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1.8 hrs on record
Im playing it again because I want to
Posted 31 October, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
31.2 hrs on record (24.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
this game may not even be finished, but i know that miles upon miles before it even is, hell, once you can finish the route and return home without feeling bad for it *completed up to turkeys gates on my first run... used a lot of the games "niches" to succeed though xD* that it will be the best driving trading simulator game on the market. you can betchya bottom dollar. or. EASTERNEUROPEMARKS. seriously, 10/10 you guys wanna bug report i abused them all xD i love this game beyond belief. never change any of the hardness qualites in fact make it harder! i love picking between routes with varying weathers. i love stacking my supplies all neat and ordered on my roof rack. i love ripping off shopkeepers in countries where alchohol is illegal :D and i love finding said alchohol strewn all over the roadside and i love the then random drivers who can't see im scavving off the side of the road man GIMME A MINUTE.i especially love flying down a moutain at 140 whateer the hell per hour it is in yugoslavia, only to hit a well crafted tree and stop dead still. and then smoke appears. i LOVE all of it. i love how even the towns are procedually generated. best 7 dollers i ever spent.
Posted 12 March, 2017. Last edited 12 March, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
43.8 hrs on record (43.7 hrs at review time)
i only have one trader in my game and people keep talking about plenty more, no one in the review for the dlc mentions and new traders, is my game brokeneded? :'( i only get franko.

other than that this game is literally the most absorbant thing iv ever played, maybe with the excpetion of sheltered, which, is relativly similar. it's so damn good. i love balancing death with reprisal xD kill a guy, get pissed up, kill another guy, cry a bit, rob the church, cry some more. none of my guys have killed themselves yet, can they?? iv always sorted them out when they start saying "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE" xD
Posted 1 December, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
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49.4 hrs on record (44.4 hrs at review time)
eh man this game is like totally spanking right. if its on sale like when i got this game, EAT IT UP.
cats explode, and i may piss. in this game. 'SPLOSIONS!!!
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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60.1 hrs on record (20.4 hrs at review time)
fun simple little game that can destroy all your free time.
just like i did ALL those pirates..
Posted 25 December, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries