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6 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Story of this expansion are okay, i guess. Really enjoyed second part of story with Solution Nine. First part was meh.

Other than that, PF are dead for other casters than Pictomancer, especially in ultimate. It's not fair to be restricted because Square Enix don't know how to balance their jobs. I've been playing Summoner since Heavensward and i basically can't play because i'm excluded from PF's.

How is that balanced to have a job with 8 skills with more than 1,000 potency ?
- Pom Muse : 1100 Potency
- Winged Muse : 1100 Potency (Enabling Mog of the Ages : 1300 Potency)
- Clawed Muse : 1100 Potency
- Fanged Muse : 1100 Potency (Enabling Retribution of the Madeen : 1400 Potency)
- Rainbow Drip : 1000 Potency (Gives you a white paint for a Instant GCD 520 Potency)
- Star Prism : 1400 Potency

How is that balanced to have GCD's gaining 40 potency (60 for Hammer) after each hit ?
Basic paint combo : 440 → 480 → 520
Advanced paint combo : 800 → 840 → 880
Hammer combo : 560 → 620→ 680 (With hits always on Crit and Direct Hit)

How is that balanced to have a BUFF who gives you 5% damage up AND 25% CAST TIME AND A FREE RAINBOW DRIP ???

Let's compare it with Summoner (Who were broken before because one passive didn't work until 7.2 patch, but it wasn't a ""pressing matter to resolve"'') :
- Solar Bahamut : Sunflare - 800 Potency and Exodus 1400 Potency (every 2 minutes)

- Summon Titan : 800 Potency - Topaz Rite : 340 Potency x4 (not evolving) and Mountain Buster : 160 Potency

- Summon Garuda : 800 Potency - Emerald Rite : 240 x4 (not evolving) and Slipstream 490 Potency

- Summon Ifrit : 800 Potency - Ruby Rite : 540 Potency (Not evolving) and Crimson ---Cyclone/Strike 490 Potency

- Summon Bahamut : 500 Potency for Deathflare and 1300 for Ahk Morn (with a Wyrmwave of 150 potency for each hit during Bahamut time) (Every 2 minutes)
- Summon Phoenix : Only Revelation at 1300 Potency since the other spell are a HoT :clown: (Every 2 minutes)

- Ruin 3 : 360 Potency
- Ruin 4 : 490 Potency
- Energy Drain : 200 Potency (Who give 2 Aetherflux for Necrotize : 440 Potency

The only thing worth on the summoner are the raise (and there are rumors you want to remove it).

Of course i wouldn't take any other caster, it's unbalanced as hell.

Messages i received when asked if i can join despite not being Pictomancer :
"No, especially not Summoner"
"Pref Pictomancer"

What's the point of paying 13 bucks per month if i can't even play the job i like ? Of course i could go play Pictomancer, but what's the point if i don't even enjoy the class ?

Don't you remember all the whining during Shadowbringers because summoner was OP as hell ? Well, it's even worse here. Instead of wanting to up all other classes, NERF PICTOMANCER !!!
Posted 19 February. Last edited 19 February.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Even Australia don't want your death that much.
Posted 22 June, 2024.
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8 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
64.1 hrs on record (62.3 hrs at review time)

2B & A2 are waifus. Protect them.
L'un des meilleurs jeux de ces 10 dernières années. JOUEZ Y !
Il y a une tonne de LORE dispersé dans tout le monde et ne vous arrêtez pas à la première fin avec 2B. Le jeu continue bien après cette fin.
Posted 17 August, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
4,589.8 hrs on record (1,630.2 hrs at review time)
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Posted 17 May, 2023.
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