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3.2 hrs on record
It was a Saturday morning in 1993. A strange yellow creature part monkey part dog comes onto the screen with a gorilla and then makes the gorilla smile with his grubby flesh colored hands. The title Marsupilami in animal print font is shown on screen. I then change the channel back to Fox.

That is my first encounter with Marsupilami. Later I would find out that this is a long running and beloved Franco-Belgium comic. Which is short hand for no one knows about in North America unless you are some sort of sick Francophile.

Mostly from what I can see Ocellus Studio's is a mobile game slash service game dev. They also did the last Astrerix game XXL2 which have always been solid adventure platformers.

What they producer here is a wonderful mix of Rayman Legends with a classic and colorful plat-former that is just difficult enough to appease the core gamer and kids alike. Its very rare that a plat-former shuch as this plays this well outside of Nintendo's Mario.

Fun and expansive levels. With just enough challenge and secrets. Overall it is a wonderful game to play by yourself or with other people that are sort of shy when it comes to plat-formers.

Great fun only a bit short but there are challenges and free DLC content provided.
Posted 15 July, 2024.
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21.0 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
Channeling exploitation movies and big summer blockbusters comes Wolfenstein: The New Order. You are once again the hero B.J Blazkowicz. With a square jaw, deep blue eyes and American guts.

The Allies are now on the losing end of the war. They have one hope to stop the Nazi war machine to storm Death's Head and stop the Nazis. All this goes wrong as BJ and his fellow Allies find themselves face to face with Robotic Nazi hell beasts, men in giant armor suits and completely out matched.

I didn't think we would have solid single player first person shooters this decade. Since the rise of competitive and multiplayer focused games. Wolfenstein : The New Order shows that you can still make a compelling single player campaign that doesn't get boring and isn't just centered around Call Of Duty like set pieces.

The gameplay is fun, frantic, gory and makes every Nazi evisceration a joy. The subtle way they inject progression based upgrades naturally through the use of milestones and achievements in the game takes away the annoying trend of having upgrade and skill trees. You are awarded for playing and not just getting enough Xp to then click a box. The Nazis come in a lot of different types and make you think while you are shooting.

The story is a mix of exploitation like pastiches with drips of horror and sci fi. Nazi in space, Nazis with laser weapons and even Nazi dogs. While some of the images in this game are quite strong and gives the game an almost weariness to it. It keeps you on edge waiting for the next crazy, perverse, a-moral nazi to face off against.

In conclusion. This is not a game to be missed. It recalls its past while keeping up with modern day games. While not secuming to the cliched presentations or being too focused on providing an experience that relies on nostalgia over substance.

Completed on “I’m Death Incarnate” mode.

Posted 28 November, 2018.
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1.6 hrs on record
Lovley lifes and hometown.
Posted 22 November, 2017.
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13.3 hrs on record
Darksiders Warmastered Edition is an update?, remake, remaster, HD version of the original Darksiders. From what I can recall the main difference seems to be some bug fixes, the addition of filters and tweaks to the graphics.

It's Legend of Zelda ocarina of time mixed with God Of war. Zelda in its game design where you have an over world with puzzle dungeons. Were items are the main hindrance of exploration.

God of War when it comes to its battle system, but it is way more shallow and vapid. You chain basic one button attacks via timed button presses rather than actual combos.

Overall I have to say its worth the 5 or so dollars when its on sale, but its would be a hard sell to most people unless you are a nut for Joe Mad’s art. Its as mediocre as it comes, but not in a bad way. You will get to a point in this game where you will find it hard to move on because the tedium sets in around the 8 hour mark. Recommended but fair warning it is Milquetoast.
Posted 17 February, 2017.
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66.6 hrs on record (64.9 hrs at review time)
Have you played it? because you have to at least once.
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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35.6 hrs on record (27.5 hrs at review time)
It has all the Pins I remember as a kid. The games look great and sound great. The issue is that the physics are not 1:1 to a real Pinball machine. So the Pinball's feel "videogamey". So things like bumbs and other trick shots can be difficult to pull off. But if you want something that is close to what one of these machines plays like, there is not another platform that has all these offical classic pinball machines. Also the games are sold in packs or solo. The best deal is to get season 1-2 when they go on sale, since those seasons have all the big name pins from the 60's to the 90's. Overall the best way to play pinball without dropping 5k on a used machine or driving miles away to play a single pinball machine.
Posted 16 April, 2016.
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5.8 hrs on record
Short but not a bad game in the least. The other two campains could of been a bit longer and the final boss should of been less of a gimmick. Worth it if you can catch it on sale. Also don't bother with the DLC content. It is all multiplayer focused and that part of the game is long dead, so save a buck and only get the normal edition.
Posted 2 December, 2015.
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12.6 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
About 4 hours too long and limited in enemy types. Also the add on Ultimate Edition content is a bit of bore with a character that is really unfun to play as. Overall its not a bad game but suffers from a few issues that you can overlook.
Posted 1 December, 2015. Last edited 2 December, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
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6.9 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
I tried to get into to it. Just so boring to play, I was falling asleep. It just doesn't have that thing that makes me want to play more. The Units look too muddled and lack personality. Overall the game is not fun or entertaining to play. It plays well, but nothing that the game does makes me want to sink time into it.
Posted 16 October, 2015. Last edited 16 October, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
Not a bad game just has the classic issues of being an over animated platformer from the 90's. Your hit box is way bigger than you think it is. Most of the time the hit box for a character is inside a sprite or model. In this game it surrounds the whole sprite . So walking or jumping into things that you think you won't take damange from happens till you get used to it. Also the games design could have been better at teaching you when you should normal jump and when you should pogo jump, there are no sections that teach you this. You are just expected to die and learn.

Other than those issues, the game captures the style and feel of the cartoon it is based on. They went as far as to get the original voice actors to make this feel like an episode of Duck Tales. I also really enjoyed the backgrounds since they really take after the Carl Barks comics. Overall I recommend this game.
Posted 22 September, 2015.
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