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84.3 hrs on record (23.4 hrs at review time)
Only one word needs to be spoken. And that word is DEMOCRACY
Posted 13 April, 2024.
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407.0 hrs on record (79.8 hrs at review time)
Elden Ring is very good, and I wholeheartedly recommend playing it. In this review, I will provide some positives and negatives about the game.

On the positive side:

+++ The difficulty (of course)

+++ The story

+++ The music (coming from FromSoft, it was to be expected)

+++ The art style

++ The variety of weapons and the Ashes of War, etc.

The gameplay (a bit like DS3)
These are the main positives about the game.

However, it is not devoid of flaws. These are the main negatives:

--- The pure quantity of bosses makes it feel like they are just here to fill a hole as we see some of them multiple times, making them feel less important than, let's say, the bosses from DS3.

--- Some hit-boxes almost feel a bit clunky.

-- Some of the abilities of certain bosses make them less fun to play against. For example, some of the bosses have an ability that makes the fight feel more like a hindrance than fun (Malenia and her healing, Commander Niall being the worst boss in the game for me).

-Graphics: The game lacks some detail when looked up close, but this should not affect your judgment too much because the game is so big that this small negative is almost not a problem, but I still prefer to point it out.

-Performance: The game runs well, but expect some FPS drops on certain fights as the effects and particles are very present.

These are the main points I wanted to highlight about Elden Ring. The game is very fun, and I absolutely recommend it. If I had to give it a rating, I'd give it a solid 8.5/10."
Posted 22 April, 2023.
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146.5 hrs on record
Really the game is not what it used to be and became really hard to understand.
Posted 29 August, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
Look... I love this game, but I cannot ever recommend people buying this poor excuse of a paid beta DLC. I paid the extra for the opened beta alpha, and it was not "Great" but excusable since it was an Alpha (mostly). But when they announced the full release some 3 weeks or something like that after the Alpha, I said to my self "This isn't looking good" and "I know where this is going" and I was right I never saw a launch that disastrous since cyberpunk 2077, and I have to say CB77 is playable at least. Some might say this still has better performance than Star Citizen (and I concur) but some have to say to themselves that SC has a LOT more on foot content than I think odyssey will ever have. I don't want to look like a pessimistic idiot, but I know enough of Frontier to know that they won't do all the things they said (Ships interior etc...).
To finish this review I'll say that the devs are not (for me at least) responsible for this mess and those who are responsible are the highers up that only view this game as money and stats.

TL:DR : Don't buy it and/or wait at least the console release or to be sure 1 year.
Posted 24 May, 2021. Last edited 24 May, 2021.
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12.9 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
I love this game. It's theperfec mixtureof difficulty and ease of use, the fact that the game is one not too heavy on the disk and that easy to use controls wise makes a very conviencing speedrunning game.
Posted 29 October, 2020.
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6.6 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
VirtuaVerse est un jeu que je recommande absolument à tous les fans du style cyberpunk. Ceci est un jeu point and click a l'ancienne (style Monkey Island de Lukas Arts etc.).Ce jeu en quelques points:
- OST sublime qui ravira tous les friands de Synthwave.
- Des graphismes pixel art eux aussi magnifiques
.- Une histoire sérieuse mais avec une petite pointe d'humour qui met en avant des problèmes que nous rencontrons déjà aujourd'hui.
- Un prix pas trop cher pour un jeu avec pas mal de contenu.

N'ayant pas fini le jeu j'émets une crainte quant à la rejouabilité du jeu. (Qui ne sera fondé ou non que à la fin du voyage.)

Pour finir, je conseille tout de même ce jeu qui plaira aux fans du "Futur des années 80". Foncez il en vaut la peine.
Posted 2 July, 2020. Last edited 2 July, 2020.
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24.4 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
I absolutely recommend this game. It's cute, it's fun it has a Mario 64 style gameplay everything we want with a history that looks like it's made for kids but i don't recommend letting your kids play this game because of the sometimes hard dialogue (Death etc...) but still love this game.
Posted 3 January, 2020. Last edited 6 January, 2020.
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2,465.8 hrs on record (563.9 hrs at review time)
UPDATE: Merci Gaijin pour avoir déposé ce changement par rapport a l'économie. Je pense sincèrement que s'est le bon chemin. De ce fait je change ma Review en Positif.

Bon, War Thunder, j'adore ce jeu comme je le déteste. Il a des bons points comme des mauvais points que je vais résumer ici :

+ Il est pas moche même pour un jeu sorti il y a 7 ans.
+ La jouabilité est bonne, les contrôles sont rapides à prendre en main.
+ Il y a plusieurs "styles" de jeu (difficulté) à savoir réaliste, arcade et simulation.
+ On peut jouer les tanks, les avions et les navires et il y a du choix. (USA, URSS (Russie), Allemagne, Angleterre, Italie, France, Chine et le Japon.
+ Plusieurs Époques (WW2 à MW)
+ Pas mal de cartes

Et autres plus petits points. Maintenant aux points négatifs :

- L'équilibrage, il est mal équilibré, des chars de la WW2 contre des Léopards de la GF.
- Le coté payant, à partir d'un certain moment, il faut acheter soit des jours de compte premium soit des chars prémium qui rapportent plus d'XP, etc. Et je sais de quoi je parle en disant ça.

En conclusion :
Ce jeu je l'adore, il m'a fait aimer les chars et les avions (plus que d'habitude en tout cas) et pour ça je l'apprécie mais en même temps il m'énerve de part son mauvais équilibrage mais même avec ces points négatifs je lui mettrais un avis positif du fait du temps que j'ai passé dessus et que je ne regrette pas trop (un peu quand même). En somme, si vous voulez un bon jeu gratuit avec des chars, allez-y, mais sachez que si vous voulez les big boys (M1A1 Abrams, Leopard 2A5, T80-U, Leclerc, etc.) il faudra débourser un peu.
Posted 1 July, 2019. Last edited 17 September, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
33.1 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Ce jeu... Ce jeu, je l'attendais depuis que j'ai fini le 0 et je suis pas déçu, plus qu'à attendre Kiwami 2 et peut-être le 6.
Mais se sont des chef d'oeuvre a essayer.
Posted 20 February, 2019. Last edited 2 March, 2019.
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136.3 hrs on record (100.5 hrs at review time)
Alors comment dire, ce jeu... CE JEU il y a tellement de drama que même un feuilleton brésillien en perderait ses acteurs.
Pour un premier portage sur PC de PS4 s'est trés bien, hate de voir les autres ryu ga gotoku.
Posted 19 September, 2018. Last edited 21 October, 2018.
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