United States
Kiria has been gaming since early 2000. She loves helping her fellow gamers and is a firm believer in paying it forward so if someone helps her, she helps others. She has been helped so much since she started gaming in her first game which was Ultima Online so many years ago that this is her way of paying it forward.

She has played many games from Ultima Online to SWTOR, Rose Online, and many others including playing in Alpha’s, and Beta’s of some games.

And now a small word from Kiria Silverbow Herself...
“Whatever the game it is, playing your game your way is always the way to go from add-ons to creator content and tips and tricks and everything in between, I am Kiria Silverbow, and I am here to help.

I will, make one last comment if you came here looking for that one edge to get above the rest or to learn your class/char or how to play whatever toon in whatever game you are playing better that is not me. I don’t do that, I help you play fun, to PLAY YOUR GAME YOUR WAY. I Don’t PVP, well, maybe a little Huttball every now and then.”
Currently Online