## SGTTB's Game Bot 40:1
TF2 & CSGO keys to Steam games bot
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Selling Steam games for CSGO or TF2 Keys - Commands
                      Displays a list of available commands.

                     Displays my prices.

                      Tells you how many games you can buy from me, and for what price.

!buy [amount of keys]
                      Sends you an offer with the CSGO price of the games. (E.g !buy 1 (1 Key))

!buytf [amount of keys]
                      Sends you an offer with the TF2 price of the games. (E.g !buy 1 (1 Key))

!buyrandom [amount of keys]
                      Sends you an offer with the CSGO price of the games. (E.g !buyrandom 1 (1 Key))

!buyrandomtf [amount of keys]
                      Sends you an offer with the TF2 price of the games. (E.g !buy 1 (1 Key))

                      Restarts the bot (Use this if you receive any errors, also make sure all your privacy settings are set                   on "public".)

                      Sends you the keys for the last games you paid for.

                      Shows a link to the owner of the bot.

                      Shows a link to the business manager of the bot.

Problems with the commands? Check if your Steam privacy settings are set on public and use !restart
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0.2 hrs on record
last played on 29 Nov, 2017