No One   Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Hey there. :heyred: Now bye.
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23 год. проведено
* (Committing genocide fills you with determination.)

Undertale is a love-it-or-have-it game. There's just no other way to say it. It has: a very flavorful sense of humor, quirky characters, an emotional story, excessive dogs, and a very strange RPG/Rhythm/Bullet Hell mix of a battle system. All of those aspects can be good things or bad things depending entirely on your unique personal tastes. So I can't recommend the game because of them.

What I can recommend the game for is possibly the best decision-oriented designs I've ever seen in a video game. It's a game that lets you to crawl through its story as you please the first time, then begs you to replay as a pacifist for the happiest ending, but then tempts you to play as a genocider to see how far you can go. And if you can go far, you are ensured to have a bad time.

All in all Undertale is one thing boiled down to its essense. DETERMINATION.
Остання активність
28 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 21 листоп.
639 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 20 листоп.
100 оч. досвіду
2,7 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 20 листоп.
Ness 27 берез. о 0:08 
We have both tainted your steam page, whatcha gonna do about it?
Gwenny Rock 14 січ. 2021 о 21:35 
I have tainted your meticulously designed steam page