infinite money glitch
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Created by - cat
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samii 21 Feb, 2022 @ 2:44am 
I was with my girlfriend (of about 5 months btw) in my dorm room, all is well and good and let's just say that she wanted to try it with me. Sure. I do too. So, when she's undressing... I put some Bladee (I was already butt naked) on because I thought it would set the atmosphere, after all he is my favourite artist. But, when the first line hit (it was Romeo btw) she instantly gasped and I was like "What's wrong baby?" and she said "That music sucks so much". This kind of turned me off because I love bladee... maybe more than her? I dont really know. but I couldnt get hard. No matter what she tried or I tried.. She even said to put it back on but to no avail I am still as soft as a marshmallow. After about 25 min of trying she got tired and just sighed and put her clothes on and rushed to her dorm room. It has been 3 hours exactly and she has not even spoke a word to me. I still cant believe this happened. Im so mad and I might stop listening to bladee now.
ambiguouslee 3 Mar, 2021 @ 5:32pm 
etf2l roamer
nietzsche 27 Feb, 2021 @ 11:50am 
Beowulf 26 Feb, 2021 @ 11:13pm 
Wedding Louise 26 Feb, 2021 @ 2:21pm 
MPREG JENNY 9 Dec, 2020 @ 1:10pm 
They were a Gamma turned Beta.
But now they are Alpha.
Challenged by many yet never faced defeat.
Silent and deadly.
Not a man but a wolf.
B r a n d o n