Coir 4 Mar, 2024 @ 8:18pm 
Picked up HD2. Going to buy a new controller before I get to into it with keyboard and mouse. Might see you about spreading Democracy for Super Earth and being a good citizen.

Maybe the gentlemen and rogues of SIN 7 will get some decent footage of their efforts to secure the galaxy for all Human Citizens one pew pew at a time. Shame about COH3 but sometimes trying to improve things only leads to breaking them

Take care and will chat later.:GoDNinja:
Coir 21 Feb, 2024 @ 4:13am 
A fly by Greetings and hope that the once was new job has become a good job. I see that Helldivers 2 has made it to your recently played. I loved the original and if I wasn't in some other titles I'd be helping to spread Democracy one bullet at a time too.

The childling finished a paid internship for our summer recently. She loved it, got to do some research in discovering new galaxies and yes it appears they found some using MeerKAT in SA. It's a fixed goal now astrophysics researcher as a job. 18 months until graduation but life looks good.

Fun Fact: The state I live in had all ten of the Top Ten Hottest Places on Earth. Heatwave is not the correct description for what's been happening here.

Anyway, take care, hope things are well for you and yours and may all your opponents pixels die in raging fire.
SE7EN 20 Jul, 2023 @ 2:33pm 
What's up Tyler? You finish school? What's new? How are you?
Coir 11 Mar, 2023 @ 1:01am 
Congrats on the new time waster! Hope it is enjoyable and brings much happiness and fruitful bounty to your home ;p

We'll just have to wait for the bigger return. I'll keep an eye out in case any of the other reprobates decide to do some uploading.

Thanks and good to know you're doing well. :steamhappy:
Coir 26 Feb, 2023 @ 5:04am 
So I know you got it. I can even see you have played it recently. Which begs the question when, if ever, will we here the dulcet tones and Sharp offering commentary on Nugs gameplay back on YT :USSR_ball:?
Coir 23 Dec, 2022 @ 8:02am 
That's fine. I can't drink at all anymore due to meds. Sometimes a stereotype is just a stereotype. We do all ride kangaroos to school and own pet Bird Eating Spiders.And yes, they are a real thing. Spiders that hunt and eat birds. So come visit already. :GoDNinja:
Coir 16 Dec, 2022 @ 10:05am 
Wishing you a very Happy Holidays! Hope it's fun, safe and full of awesome friends and food. Let us know when you're coming to Perth for a holiday. You know you want to plus kind of deserve it after all the hard work over the last year or three. We can :chug: and :trainbowbarf:
Coir 7 Jul, 2022 @ 8:22pm 
Returning the drive by Hello. I was actually watching the Sin7 v Greyshot Zombies matches two days ago. Was checking in on the YT channel and surprisingly I had never seen them before. Was as good as new content. Also Zombies OP :steamsalty:
SE7EN 19 Oct, 2021 @ 5:31pm 
[SIN7] Sharpshooter089 4 Jul, 2021 @ 8:45am 
Long overdue, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you're sexy.
SE7EN 2 Jan, 2021 @ 11:54am 
I am glad to hear that you are doing well. Also, I am glad that my formatting is good enough for you to use...I am flattered! lmao
SE7EN 1 Jan, 2021 @ 2:45pm 
Hope all is going well for you and you are staying healthy! Happy New Year
\m/ Dean \m/ 27 Oct, 2020 @ 9:00am 
"Be careful explorer. You are in the presence of a badass. That is why you hear boss music when you visit this profile." - Dean
Church 9 May, 2020 @ 5:55pm 
You guys havent posted any new videos in quite a while, is everything okay?
Church 18 Nov, 2019 @ 6:52pm 
love your videos on youtube
Nuggs 26 Oct, 2019 @ 4:01pm 
───▄▄██▌█ beep beep
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ hentai porn delivery
SE7EN 5 Feb, 2019 @ 5:06pm 
Hope all is well man, and so is the journey ahead.
SE7EN 22 Nov, 2018 @ 10:32pm 
Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Jacobson!
SE7EN 6 Jul, 2018 @ 10:29am 
Haha, I don't think Shane got the pun!
[SIN7]-=Shade45=- 6 Jul, 2018 @ 9:54am 
SE7EN 24 Dec, 2017 @ 10:47am 
Wishing you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year bro!
\m/ Dean \m/ 13 Dec, 2017 @ 2:34am 
Sexy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are looking at me with them eyes. Let's get into bed and make the second coming of Jesus.
Night Hawk 24 Dec, 2016 @ 7:14pm 
And a happy new year :steamhappy:
SE7EN 10 Dec, 2016 @ 10:40am 
Haha...yes I remember the awkwardness of running in circles, hitting everything that should not be hit. Getting stuck on rocks and twigs, and shooting birds out of the sky! Good times.
SE7EN 9 Dec, 2016 @ 8:42am 
Hello friend! It has been awhile. So much to do, yet, so little time to do it. I hope I still know how to use a mouse and keyboard : ) I hope all is well with you and yours.
\m/ Dean \m/ 30 Sep, 2016 @ 2:21am 
I shall retort. *Ahem* If you fell into a barrel of tits, you'd come out sucking your own thumb. Thank you, i'll be here for a few seconds.
GoldKitty 1 Mar, 2016 @ 12:29pm 
Pet it Ratheon, go on, touch it, it's a rare spitting puppy, small but full of surprises
[SIN7] vip_^ 28 Dec, 2015 @ 9:27am 
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"-„_::::_„-*__„„~" woof!! woof!! PET ME!
[SIN7] ImmortalKrogan 2 Oct, 2015 @ 7:17pm 
───▄▄██▌█ beep beep
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ hentai porn delivery
SE7EN 30 Sep, 2015 @ 11:45pm 
I Like Turtles!
[SIN7] ImmortalKrogan 22 Sep, 2015 @ 6:54pm 
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Damnit Bobbeh,I tell ya hwat, you just got visited by the friendly propane man
If you don't post this in 5 comment section you'll suffer pro-pain
[SIN7] Ratheon 2 Feb, 2015 @ 7:22pm 
I agree with this completely.
[SIN7] ImmortalKrogan 2 Feb, 2015 @ 4:48pm 
[SIN7] ImmortalKrogan 1 Aug, 2014 @ 8:59am 
Never cross swords
SE7EN 7 Mar, 2014 @ 5:59pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ A Ray!
SE7EN 19 Dec, 2013 @ 11:49am 
In the famous words or MR. Torgue(BL2) ~~~ "Let's go punch some bad guys in the ♥♥♥♥!" ~~~
SE7EN 20 Nov, 2013 @ 4:26pm 
How is Ghosts? Is it as bad as the reviews?
[SIN7] Ratheon 13 Sep, 2013 @ 4:51pm 
It is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
[SIN7] ImmortalKrogan 13 Sep, 2013 @ 3:48pm 
Lovin the background man!
Biofluorescent Meatball 13 Aug, 2013 @ 7:48am 
u gonna love my second house, check picies :P
[SIN7] ImmortalKrogan 12 Aug, 2013 @ 8:43pm 
Biofluorescent Meatball 20 Feb, 2013 @ 4:04pm 
lol :P
Biofluorescent Meatball 20 Feb, 2013 @ 12:24pm 
I see you have 6 cores and running heavy browser apps.

It would be a shame..

If your browser crashed due to shockwave bugs..
Biofluorescent Meatball 20 Feb, 2013 @ 11:50am 
"Adobe Shockwave has crashed.
Please reload your current page."