Balloon Boy
BB   Pennsylvania, United States
Hey all. BB here, make sure to comment why your adding me as well btw.
if you add me to trade don't waste your breath, i don't do that anymore and don't plan on it.

i play games and that's it...yeah that's basically it.

Garry's Mod
Hokage 8月13日 8時31分 
+rep, your profile looks awesome! looking forward to our friendship lol
Kazuma_ 7月11日 14時12分 
heey, added ;3
Phukaloo 6月29日 0時59分 
this guys snipez. he is on top with the awp.
Phukaloo 6月28日 23時46分 
preferred zombie killing partner. this guy chainsaws crying women in half for the lolz. 10/10.
Ma$ta$hawty 6月28日 23時03分 
found u on l4d2
Deese Choodle 6月19日 1時37分 
i dont remember why you friended me but hey, im here.