
Jordan the Magic Manboy 最近的评测

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I'm a man who loves to make his own arrangement of wallpapers. I'm currently in the Roman mood, and have replaced my cursors, backgrounds, and sounds with a Roman-theme. So then I think to myself, "Oh yeah, I preordered the Deluxe Edition of Imperator, let's throw on some excellent and fresh Imperator wallpapers!"

Well, turns out there's only three of them.

My disappointment is immeasurable.
发布于 2019 年 5 月 31 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 9 月 24 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 2,863.6 小时 (评测时 2,337.5 小时)
eh, it's an alright game.
发布于 2017 年 1 月 21 日。
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