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Idubidubly 7. März 2018 um 20:28 
For sure
Kafuka 6. März 2018 um 23:27 
Idubidubly 8. Dez. 2017 um 15:12 
WakE uP :summersun: AND SMELL the roses! :8bitheart: It's YOUR :RogueChallenge: chance to Put a new spin on YouR life :summerghost: anD SPICE :steamsalty: things up our NEWEST product "ULtra MAle ENrG PacketS"!! No longer WILL :Y:ou have to FEel tiRed :steambored:, upset :steamsad:, or grOUCHy:steamfacepalm:.! With "SuPeR maLE enRg pACKETs"!! you can stay aWoKE ALL DAY :summersun: LONG!. Never again Will you have to say, "I'm tired" or "Alright, alright, alright" because you'll Have MOVED on to saying, :8bitheart:"I LOVE OmEga MalE enrG PacKETS"!!:8bitheart:. :steamhappy: Act NOW and you can Get our "XtreamStream" booster back along with "HypeR mALE eNRG pACKEts"!! for OnlY $78.94!! BetweEN NeVer sleePing X:steambored:X again And haVinG the STRONGEST urine stream :summerufo:ARouND town:summerufo:, you'll WOndeR if you WEre EVEN a :RogueChicken: male :RogueChicken: before at ALL!??!
Kafuka 18. Juni 2017 um 2:35 
For sure, my melanin enriched friend
Kafuka 13. Juni 2017 um 5:23 
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naruto has summon you join in his ninja group!! send this to 5 of your best friends to join in ninja group and be top ninja in leaf town. only true ninja work with naruto and learn how to use double team. are you one of the ninja?
Idubidubly 19. Feb. 2017 um 3:09 
They demanded that the people of San Antonio be given free reign over the pacific ocean so they could swim with dolphins and sea otters as they pleased, seeing as how before hand they would get yelled at by the coast guard. But unwilling to negotiate with terrorists, president Barfield Lorgmaning sent in an elite squad of trained soldiers to handle the trouble makers. The men quickly dispatched into the area dressed as clowns to blend in with the coming carinvale that was moving through town. As they infiltrated they too realized they wanted to play with sea animals, and stayed in arms with the terror group. Unable to find any other soldiers capable of handling the new armed group the government was forced to meet their demands, thus birthing the corporate empire we know today as, "The Orlando Water Parks".