Joevin Lui   Hong Kong
Your attention to my profile is appreciated.

Just another high school senior student who took interest in 3D animation and game modding, still struggling from studies though.
Just another former high school senior student who are currently struggling between spending time on games and spending time on creating content.
Just another university student who is trying to catch up living 4 separate lives - Studying in university, working part-time jobs, making animations for a game development team, and making animations for his hobby CSGO mods.
Just another person struggling between spending time on having fun and spending time on doing something more productive, either it's playing games, working full-time job, making animations for a game development team, or making animations for his hobby CSGO mods.

I make animations using Blender 3D, which the animations can be used in Source Engine games.

I'm starting to share contents (mostly mods) online to put my animating experience to test, you can find me here :

If you know me, leave a comments or send me an invite, and see if I recognise you.
Arctic Warfare Super Magnum
總時數 47 小時
成就進度   2 / 33
總時數 1,339 小時
最後執行於 12 月 13 日
成就進度   1 / 1
總時數 76 小時
最後執行於 11 月 30 日
成就進度   28 / 69
PTSD Tony Stank 2023 年 11 月 6 日 上午 9:04 
It's been an honor flying with you.
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congrats on being a 200 times ace in war thunder arcade
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I don't like sand
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Certified Member of the PTSD division of the :Avengers:
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Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐!