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1 person found this review helpful
127.6 hrs on record (26.3 hrs at review time)
Don't bother if you can aim on PC

Received a Shadow Ban from matchmaking within 25 hours of playing for landing to many hitmarkers. Learn to play CounterStrike console dogs....
Posted 3 November, 2024. Last edited 3 November, 2024.
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911.1 hrs on record (786.0 hrs at review time)
We in Dust II
$3700 that's all we need, full buy
We rushin' B this round
You ready bro?
Real Haunted Mound
You know where we at?
You better buy some armor, need a helmet
Turn up, real gaming hours
Inventory cost more than your life, lets go, lets get it (HDOE, HDOE)

I load up in Dust II (HDOE)
That's T-side when I rush you (RRAAAGHGH)
My Deagle and my AK that's one tap I don't need two (BRRRAAAHH)
I smoke mid and I push cat
A-long, where my flank at?
I hit you with my bayonet, an A-split you ain't stoppin' that
I load up in Dust II
T-side when I rush you
My Deagle and my AK that's one tap I don't need two
I smoke mid and I push cat
A-long, where my flank at?
I hit you with my bayonet, an A-split you ain't stoppin' that
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Get Sum
Casket City
[Verse 1]
I only need sixteen rounds
No losses, we shut you out
Headshot with a jump scout
That's a full buy, ♥♥♥♥ thеm eco rounds
Turnt up I feel like Shroud
♥♥♥♥♥ I might evеn start screaming out (What?)
Turn down yo mic, ♥♥♥♥♥
I can't even hear the footstep sounds (You shut the ♥♥♥♥ up, ha)
Now I switch over to CT
Your team don't wanna see me (Brrah)
I watch corners and I jiggle peek (Hah)
Ain't no way you gon' hit me
I bet you won't come push B (Nope)
'Cause they think I got ESP (HDOE)
I might as well have aimbot with the way that I be aiming (♥♥♥♥♥)
That site is for the taking
Don't even know I planted B (The bomb down)
I smoke off window, molly doors ain't no way you retaking (Nope)
My team love how I carry (HDOE)
Every round I get MVP
Ten aces, zero deaths, $16000 economy
You bottom fragged, why you adding me?
Only play like I'm GE (Shut up)
Gotta be MG to get invited to my party
I got 30 cases and 30 keys
I hit gold, I don't even scream
Already got two knives but need stickers, Katowice
Shoutout Valve, shoutout Steam, we in Dust II, CS:GO, turn up

I load up in Dust II (HDOE)
That's T-side when I rush you (RRAAAGHGH)
My Deagle and my AK that's one tap I don't need two (BRRRAAAHH)
I smoke mid and I push cat
A-long where my flank at? (Skrrt)
I hit you with my bayonet, an A-split you ain't stoppin' that
I load up in Dust II
T-side when I rush you
My Deagle and my AK that's one tap I don't need two (HDOE)
I smoke mid and I push cat
A-long where my flank at?
I hit you with my bayonet, an A-split you ain't stoppin' that
I load up in Dust II
T-side when I rush you
My Deagle and my AK that's one tap I don't need two
I smoke mid and I push cat
A-long where my flank at?
I hit you with my bayonet, an A-split you ain't stoppin' that

Hackle Down on 'em
Posted 8 December, 2023.
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1 person found this review funny
31.2 hrs on record
Russian Hard base goes well with this game
Posted 28 November, 2019.
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0.2 hrs on record
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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No one has rated this review as helpful yet
553.6 hrs on record (43.9 hrs at review time)
Poopy-di scoop
Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop
Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop
Poop, poop
Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop

-Kanye West
Posted 28 July, 2018.
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998.9 hrs on record
Posted 19 January, 2017. Last edited 1 December, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
mediocre at best
Posted 8 January, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
0.2 hrs on record

As Deadbits man, you're humanity's last hope against the Nazi War Machine. In The New Order's timeline, the Nazis won World War 2 thanks to their uber-advanced technology (by which I mean robot dogs and mechs that shoot laser cannons), forcing the entire world to surrender to their might. Vast scores of people have been kidnapped to populate labor camps, where they're forced to create supplies and munitions for the Nazi cause. The few civilians that remain follow curfews and do as they're told, lest they face the wrath of Aryan brutality and experimentation. The plot is explored further in the standalone expansion - you can read our deadbits The Old Blood review here - but New Order succeeds in depicting a world consumed by fear, providing reason enough for Blazkowicz to join a group of resistance fighters, mount a counter-offensive, and do what he does best. Er, you know what that is, right?

New Order is a shooter that revels in the act of shooting and, for the most part, gunning down thousands of Nazis through the nine-hour campaign is great fun. Enemies explode in over-the-top gore. Heads disintegrate, limbs vaporize, and blood sprays in fountains from their bodies, making it quite clear that B.J.'s weapons aren't shooting blanks. I'm not a psychopath (I swear!), but I'd be lying if I didn't admit it all looks particularly spectacular on the PS4 and Xbox One.

B.J. has a diverse arsenal, and all of the guns are fun to shoot. Even though you have access to almost every weapon in the game by the halfway mark, gradual upgrades, like scopes and rocket launcher attachments, are teased out at a consistent pace to ensure you don't get bored of firing the same ones over and over. Of course, you can dual wield just about any weapon in the game, which comes with a tradeoff; yes, blasting a mech with two auto shotties at once means doling out more damage, but it also means you'll blow through precious ammo very quickly, and have to deal with significantly more recoil.

Perks galore

The gunplay is further enhanced by The New Order's perk system. These passive upgrades, such as increased reload speed or ammo capacity, are unlocked by meeting certain criteria. Want to carry an extra grenade? Kill two Nazi's with a single frag. Hoping to do more damage with your silenced pistols? Score a few stealth kills and you're good to go. The perk system does a great job of enticing you to try out each of the game's weapons and playstyles, as all of the unlockable upgrades are useful.

Once the bullets start flying, the well-implemented cover system gives some reprieve from the onslaught of enemy fire. There's no awkward snap-to mechanics at play here; simply stand behind a wall or crouch behind a barricade, press the dedicated cover button, and use the left thumbstick to peek up or down, or lean to the left or right. Though your cover will gradually be chipped away, this system is easy to use and prevents a lot of headache during the game's tougher encounters.

The great level design again adds to the enjoyment of each firefight. Whether you're carving through a Nazi labor camp, Nazi compound, or Nazi underground lair, most levels give you plenty of room to breathe. You'll rarely feel like you're running through a too-cramped corridor; instead, you usually fight in open arena-like zones packed with health packs, armor pick-ups, and usable turrets. What's more, levels typically have a few branching paths--ventilation systems or side corridors--that make it possible for you to go into a huge gunfight with some sort of plan.

That plan will go to ♥♥♥♥, however, once you engage in The New Order's more tedious encounters. Powerful enemies that do a ton of damage make battle more intense when used sparingly, but when you face three or more minigun-wielding mech troopers at a time, the fun action gives way to cheap frustration. The bigger enemies take every ounce of ammo to destroy, and when you run out of bullets, you have to rely on your weapons that run on battery power. Once those run out of juice, you have to run around looking for a recharge station, and stand there for several seconds while you wait for your weapons to recharge, all while eating shots. As New Order progresses, more of your weapons rely on this recharging mechanic, which brings the action to a grinding halt.


Castle deadbits (1981)
Bet you forgot about this one. Castle deadbits is the forgotten origin of deadbits. The game tasked you with escaping the titular castle by way of evasion and avoidance over straight-up murder.
As do some missions that are more mundane than enjoyable. Wading through tunnels in search of a lost welding torch is just plain boring, equalled only by the yawn-fest that is navigating sewers filled with obnoxious, flying drones. These feel out of place, especially when weighed against New Order's otherwise awesome set-piece moments. Plenty have action at their core, but some of the more tense, subtler scenarios are the ones that stand out. Stowing away on a train filled with Nazi officers while adopting an undercover identity is a harrowing event, especially when one of the game's more wicked characters sits across from you in a lunch car, testing the "purity" of your blood via a nerve-inducing mind game.

However, The New Order isn't just about the action. B.J. is a pretty interesting character, and delivers several internal monologues with just the right amount of drama. These provide some insight about his wants, needs, and fears, and though they're occasionally cheesy, the fantastic voicework makes them believable. Most members of the supporting cast also come into their own, making you feel more invested in their anti-Nazi cause, though a couple feel woefully underdeveloped. It's hard to care about some of the story's more dramatic moments when all you can think to yourself is, "Wait, who was that character again?"

That said, it often feels as though The New Order can't decide how serious or silly it wants to be. Deep, introspective monologues give way to cutscenes in which heavy rock music blasts up to full gear while B.J. engages in brief exchanges with his resistance comrades. These typically occur in some riveting variation of:

NPC: "Hey, B.J., go kill a bunch of Nazis for me, OK?"
B.J.: "Dude, I'm gonna kill every Nazi I can find lol"
NPC: "Cool man, good luck killing literally hundreds of Nazis!"
*High five*

At times, the serious drama and B-movie comedy fuse really well, simultaneously pumping you up and making you laugh. Sometimes they'll just leave you scratching your head.

deadbits The New Order is a great example of oldschool design revitalized by modern concepts. Yes, it's cheesy, dumb, and over-the-top, but it manages to reign in these aspects by following them up with great action, memorable set-pieces, and characters that mostly evolve beyond your typical meathead grunts. This is a shooter that puts shooting first--and the second you dual-wield two laser guns and use them to destroy a dog made out of metal, you'll play the rest of deadbits with a knowing grin.
Posted 11 January, 2016.
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2.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
10/10 IGN.
Skyrim with guns gave birth to minecraft
Posted 28 February, 2015.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries