Amy 20 Feb, 2020 @ 2:27pm 
Fry: 💚 "Very 🐟 impressive. 📀 Back 💗 in 🥒 the 🎈 20th 🐳 century 💛 we 😺 had 💄 no 🚘 idea 🌳 there 🚕 was 🎍 a 📘 university 🚗 on 🥗 Mars." ⚡ Prof. 🏀 Farnsworth: 💎 "Well 📗 in 📒 those 🏓 days 🌏 Mars 🎁 was 👹 just 🐛 a 🕺 dreary 🚙 uninhabitable 👃 wasteland... 💙 much 🌂 like 🌽 Utah. 🚘 But 🍖 unlike 🎄 Utah, 🎄 it 🍆 was 🐝 eventually 🌸 made 🐟 livable, 🎁 when 🌋 the 🌳 university 👽 was 🐝 founded 📕 in 🍇 2636." 🥞 Leela: 💗 "They 🔋 planted 👔 traditional 🚕 college 🍖 foliage: 💎 ivy, 🎍 trees, 🥗 hemp...."
вагина кентавра 2 Jan, 2019 @ 2:53am 
не лузаю 8 Dec, 2018 @ 4:26am 
Bаnьkа 28 Sep, 2018 @ 5:46pm 
хей мен ):Gasman:
MaxmudZB 9 Dec, 2017 @ 2:34am 
马克斯丶战神 15 Jun, 2017 @ 5:03pm 
ping 10 Jun, 2017 @ 3:03am