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Скорошни рецензии на Jesterx64

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30.9 изиграни часа (8.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
So this game, for me at least, falls in the realm of games that are similar to phasmo and tried to take it in a unique direction.

Good news, this game actually got a decent bit right! Making the scary part of the game really makes the scary part less scary. Because at that point, it's the objective. It's not something to fear but something to figure out and complete.

Lethal Company avoided that issue and did exactly what needed to be done. Add a main objective to keep players busy and exploring areas of the map while the scary thing runs interference.

I think they nailed the mark on a lot of things: simplistic artstyle will hopefully allow for easy additions of new maps quickly, fun to use equipment, allowing modding, etc.

I think they missed the mark on a couple things:

1. Outside, sucks. I like the concept that even outside is dangerous and the fear don't end just because you reached the exit of the building but things like: finding the building, the constant weather effects even when there's no weather, too much space with too little going on. I believe it could benefit from there being perhaps some scattered bits to gather around the map. Perhaps reduce some of the fog, blizzard, etc during non-weather effects. Shouldn't be hard to see when it's "clear".

2. The quota system is great and adds a layer of roguelike to the game that could really enhance the replayability BUT where's the rest? You gave me a roguelike system without any other roguelike beneficial features... No permanent upgrades between playthroughs. No positive incentive to meet quota after quota. No form of progression between runs. Nothing... Hopefully only an issue due to being Early Access but it's issues like these that don't get taken care of and then cause the gameplay to really lack luster later on.

3. The money/equipment system is balls. Sorry, hate to say it, but every other horror game doing the same thing killed it. Buying equipment just to lose it isn't fun. My real life is about putting effort into getting money and then watching it disappear, my video game shouldn't be the same. This kind of tacks on to my issue #2, really just doesn't fit well with the roguelike element of the quota system. You're making me earn money, to buy equipment, to meet my quota which if I don't, will make me lose everything I enjoyed and start from 0. That's not how you do roguelikes. You don't go back to 0. You go back to 0 but this time you are actually around 2 or 3 because you earned something from the last run.

I think this game should re-evaluate how it handles equipment and the quota system. I think equipment should be free to use. We use infinite money to just play the game as we want and guess what? The game is still hard, the game is still fun, the game is still not broken. I think you should just have equipment be free to use, maybe use a loadout system or just have there be a equipment limit of some kind per mission. I think maybe unlocking equipment via money is fine. Say I only have access to flashlights and walkie-talkies when I first start. Gotta make $300 and then I can buy the pro-flashlight. Except I'm not just purchasing one flashlight. I'm purchasing the unlock for the flashlight. So now I can have as many pro-flashlights as I want, including later runs. That's progression, that's positive feedback for the player, that's a reason to continue meeting quota.

Hell, you can even just make it so quota = score and there's like a friend's list leaderboard where you can see which groups of friends were able to reach the higher quotas.

You just need something to really take this game to the next level and give it the ability to be infinitely replayable.
Публикувана 28 ноември 2023.
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0.9 изиграни часа
If you're here hoping this is the new WWE All-Stars, keep waiting and hoping that one day that will actually come out. This is not it. It's got the same goofy style but the controls are rough for an arcade style wrestling game. Everything is clunky as hell. The create a character system is so lame. The powerup system is kind of dumb. I essentially can't think of anything to say positively about this game. If you want a game like All-Stars, better go fire up your old 360 or PS3.
Публикувана 2 юли 2021.
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152.8 изиграни часа (150.5 часа по време на рецензията)
It's Dark Souls, play it already.
Публикувана 25 март 2020.
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15.7 изиграни часа (13.3 часа по време на рецензията)
I bought this game forever ago as part of a humble bundle. I saw it was a stealth game with turn based combat much like gunpoint. I loved gunpoint and guess what, I loved this game too. Although I beat it multiple times, the amount of glitches I've experienced has increased massively. If you instant zip into certain spots on the wall it sends you through the wall. I've also clipped through glass without breaking it by jumping at the corner of it, etc. Awesome game and some really hilarious bugs with clipping through things. One wall teleported me to the bottom floor of the map when I clipped it.
Публикувана 8 август 2019.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
3.3 изиграни часа (1.7 часа по време на рецензията)
The game is very fun! I haven't even played it with a friend. Hahaha. I glitched it in the offline somehow and was playing against myself. I didn't know who I wanted to win but I was really trying to get them to aim and shoot each other. Was pretty impossible and couldn't do it but I just played a few times and enjoyed trying to pinpoint myself. And for those who are wondering, I was only using the keyboard. No controllers connected. So whatever one guy did, the other one did. Pretty amazing and I would not care if that glitch was never patched. Just makes it so I can enjoy some single player time. Love the game and can't wait for the full version.
Публикувана 20 октомври 2014.
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