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Скорошни рецензии на * Jannaa *

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4.2 изиграни часа (3.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Amazing dark and creepy game. Finally a pc game about Blair Witch. The game has the scaryness from the movies. The mindfck, the fear, the horror. Simply walking in a dark forest. With your dog Bullet as a guide. Basic, but very effective. Imagine it to be real with all the noises and darkness. Finding you way. With the witches, a PTSD, a kidnapping and so on. All in the dark. Blair Witch is a classic horror concept. Aside the amazing movies with its own stories, this game has its own interesting story. The whole concept is disturbing, interesting and frightening. It leaves room for your own interpretation. For some the game might feel like slow, or boring. You need patience, finding and looking your way out, or going further. Find the tapes, have your flashlight and Bullet ready. Its the way this game is built. It may not be for everyone. This game is for the true horror fans. It tells all about PTSD, fear, mindcontrol, magic and ghosts. The Blair Witch!!
Публикувана 3 ноември 2020. Последно редактирана 3 ноември 2020.
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91.7 изиграни часа (48.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Best game ever, kind of GTA but even better. Epic superpowers, amazing fun &humour and great action. So much to do, you'll never get bored. I recommend it to everyone! :)
Публикувана 10 юни 2014.
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