過去 2 週間: 0.1 時間 / 総プレイ時間:148.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.6時間)
投稿日: 2024年5月23日 12時29分
更新日: 2024年5月23日 12時30分

This game is amazing. I love it!
Gameplay is fun, pleasant, it can be relaxing or intense, interesting, so many spells, runes, tactics and what not to choose from. There's a lot of characters to choose from and more to come, as it is still in early access, you can craft weapons, level up talents. There are also multiple modes, which you can use for different purposes other than just playing this forever - overall the gameplay is GREAT!
The graphics aren't anything amazing or special, they are easy on the eye and well-made. Looks like Unity to me, I could be wrong, but still looks good, just not something mindblowing.
There is no story, but this is one of the few games, I don't care about the story. It's just kill armies of evil creatures and their Void Lords (bosses).

Overall I would give the game a 10/10.
It's fun, pleasant and you can play it for a long time, with some of the mods, if you enjoy this that much - you can play forever. :D
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