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22.2 hrs on record
My story in Nether is no different than most of everyones at this point, the game showed a lot of promise and even when it was buggy back when I got it I had a lot of fun. Met a dude, got shot in the back, met another dude who encouraged me to jump off buildings, gliding though the city way cooler than expected. Until the glider glitches. 50 floors is a long way to fall.

Though my time was short lived and the people I played with hostile and mildly toxic, it was very fitting after all it was a massive PVP death match, where you were fighitng to survive against one another and creatures. The concept was amazing, but... after the game changed hands a few times. By the time it got back into the devs hands it was dead.

And the devs did little to revive it, however it can be said they at least did enough that one could play it if they so decided. Though it is dead, it has been abandon. I do not recommend buying as you are buying into nothing but a forgotten dream of what once could of been.
Posted 7 September, 2017.
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5.5 hrs on record
Farsky, what is there to say about it...
A strikingly small amount, as that is about as much content that this game has in it. I won't touch the story line that, to be honest, the Steam page's about section had more depth to it. Though I can't discredit the game for that as it never claimed to have a story. Instead, I'll break it down by what it does say it offers.

Base building:
Now not a false claim however while one can add new levels, and expand walls. You'll have a total of 5 crafting stations that you can have built within the first few minutes. A table, a functionless door, and a stool.

Gathering resources
This is largely negated by the fact you can loot so much of this from the sunken treasure chests. I started throwing my resources away because even without mining by half way point, due to me focusing on exploring I ran out of places to put it. There is really only a small handful of resources that are truly rare. And you don't need much of it.

Bringing us to the next topic
"All maps are randomly generated to immerse you in an unknown world"

All maps, are step tiered. Meaning the further from the center you go, the deeper the map. That always ends at a certain depth. Not too far from the depth the world record holder has for scuba diving. So there is rarely any unknown just a case of do I go left, or do I go right? To get to X.

Hunt or be hunted
Not.. wrong. Though I only died once in my entire play, and it was because I misunderstood how flooded bases work. Surprise pumping out water isn't instant. If you don't create fake rules for yourself after you find one of the handful of useful things on the sea floor Drones! Like stupid cheep, unlimited ammo, unlimited power, and carries 6 items as much as a chest. Drones you could, as I did. Stab everything with your knife. From Jellyfish, Normal Fish, Sharks, and even Kraken. I stabbed it all with a knife. This also drastically hurt the need for food.

In three hours ( I played it once years ago and just again now 9/7/17) I did everything one could do in this game without creating fake rules for themselves. Found all the treasure, did all the major battles, found all the hidden things. Collected all the rare resources, only to throw them away because of no need for it. Perhaps if you could pick this up for around $1.25 to $2.50, and only if you want to create special rules for yourself. I can not recommend this game to anyone.

Interesting concept, but with very little put forward to back it up.
Posted 7 September, 2017. Last edited 7 September, 2017.
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3,927.5 hrs on record (236.3 hrs at review time)
Warframe, space ninjas the game, a motto even embraced by the developers themselves at times. Is honestly just what sounds like a future setting of waring races, where you play a super powered, slice and dice Ninja. Did I mention ninja's with super powers? Because they are overpowered, and it is just how we like them.

After putting some 250 hours into the game as of the time I write this, I likely won't be playing it much more. To what math I've managed to do 250 hours divided by zero dollars is somewhere around Zero. I think it was a pretty good deal for an amusing 250 hours of slicing and dicing.

Update: I lied. Played it more than 250 hours.
Posted 27 May, 2017. Last edited 26 November, 2020.
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