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Recent reviews by Narutohorse Uchiha

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1 person found this review helpful
208.4 hrs on record
goated, doesn't need more words than that
Posted 24 March.
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17.1 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
BT3 again, all I ever wished for.
Posted 20 October, 2024.
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22.2 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
Literally the best CnC ever. Fun Story and B-Movie Cutscenes, creative unitdesigns and absolutely banger soundtrack.
Only sad thing is: you still cannot play multiplayer through steam. You will still have to download and install the CnCNet launcher in order to go online and as you could guess with a 20+year old game, there aren't many people playing it.
There are also a lot of hotkeys (for those who use them) but some of them are really hidden (like attack move) and some controlls are in general really different compared to other RTS, but since it came out 2000 you can forgive Westwood for that (may you rest in piece).
Also the Addon/Expansion is really great.
For "more" experience I would also recommend the Mental Omega mod, which overhauls the game entirely with a new campaign, factions and storyline and is also playable online (again through CnCNet). But the missions can be pretty tough at times, I admit. There are also other mods, but I haven't tried them tbh.
Posted 28 March, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
22.8 hrs on record (22.8 hrs at review time)
The game is way too bugged and is missing way too much content in order to be a real successor to their last game. I had a big checklist of features I would have loved to see for this one, but instead they took many things away which even previous titles did better and cut some stuff as a whole. Only a few, I would call "quality of life" changes, which tbh they could have totally put in CoH2.
There is no synchronisation in other languages.
There are only a handful of maps especially in Teams.
No replay feature (will be patched but from what i have gathered it will only have the same features as in CoH2. That prob means u will not be able to skip back in a replay if u missed something).
Even more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pathfinding (sometimes not moving at all).
Only 3 doktrins per faction (yeah they prob will add other ones in the future)
Units not properly reacting to inputs. (Attackmove on AT-Guns, Retreat not working or forever)
Animations are prolly nice, but it feels like it takes units much longer to respond (prob does)
So many balancing issues, going for "design-choices" which clearly did not work in the other games and thus were removed (like broken/cheapish call in units).
Zooks and similar doing way too much damage on Inf.
Lots of blobbing with ambulance with no real counter to it (like a Katy or PWerfer in CoH2). All the arty thats in the game is either ♥♥♥♥ cuz it takes too long, is inacurate af or does only burn damage OR is stupidly strong like the bishop)

Also the fact that they already had to implement a skinshop with the most uncreative option for quests in order to get ingame-money in order to buy skins i've ever seen. IMO the skins do look fine, but they are way too expensive, especially since the game is still a mess and i see no point in investing more money in this already full-priced and unfinished game. And since there are only a few skins u can even buy with the currency you get by doing quest (not even playing the game gains it, it has to be quests now) which are beyond me, whoever took his time to "design" the daily/weekly challenges + u cant even reroll them and either have to do them or wait for them to expire.

I am so happy I got that for free, so please do not make the mistake and buy it now. Please wait for MUCH MORE balancing changes, since the company itself seems to have many problems. If you recall AoE4, where balancing issues were so bad, that people just stopped playing the game and they took forever to adress those issues. Or even DoW3, which came out a mess and was dropped by relic some months after. With that history in mind i wouldn’t even be surprised if they just drop this one as well and called it a day.
Posted 4 April, 2023.
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41.0 hrs on record (40.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Pretty funny and gimmicky, with a lot of hilarious gadgets and gameplay-mechanics and would recommend, but the updates kinda feel pointless, the playerbase is extremely low, where it can be very hard to find a game at all. Very few good official and custom maps. The game itself is kinda fun.

I would recommend this game however to already established friends, groups or communities with 8-10+ players when the game is in sale for a some funny game-sessions, in that case the empty playerbase doesn't matter.
Posted 20 October, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,295.2 hrs on record (197.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Been following the game for a long time, even Steam greenlighted it back in the day.

It's been many years and the Game is STILL Early Access.
Nevertheless the game has so much content and depth, that you can sink countless hours in, just to get into the mechanics of the game. Now they updated the multiplayer, which gives the game a completly new experience by surviving with friends.
And what is the price? 18€? idk whats been holding you off but you should definitely grab this one.

Posted 5 February, 2022.
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277.9 hrs on record (237.8 hrs at review time)
Dope 10/10 better than CIV imho
Posted 5 July, 2018. Last edited 5 July, 2019.
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4.4 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Ich mochte das Game zuerst wirklich, einfach nur, weil es sich nicht selbst komplett ernst nimmt und mit einer witzigen Physik anwackelt. Das Game selber läuft aber überhaupt nicht flüssig, zumindest auf meinem "mittelklasse" Rechner. Das schießen funktioniert überhaupt nicht, aber andere 1-hitten dich sofort, egal ob du ne gute Rüstung+Helm hast oder nicht. Meistens auch noch im Sprung bzw während komischer Laufanimationen, die in diesem Spiel ja keine seltenheit darstellen und normalerweise das Zielen stark einschränken sollten, also möchte ich nicht Hacks ausschließen (wobei anscheinend viele das Problem haben). Das reagieren von Tasten sowie das Aufheben von Waffen funktioniert oft nicht bzw erst nach 10x draufhauen. Außerdem stirbt man oft ohne Grund, einfach nur weil es die Physik möglich macht. Zudem sind einige Waffen implementiert, die in anderen Spielen als auch im RL z.B. Vollautomatisch bzw Halbautomatisch sind, aber in diesem Game sind die ohne Grund einzelschuss (mit 30 Schuss im Magazin). Natürlich stellt sich da die Frage, ob man den Schussmodus wechseln kann. Soweit ich das bis jetzt in den Einstellungen gesehen hat, geht das nicht (klärt mich auf, wenn ich das irgendwie doch verpennt habe). Im großen und ganzen KEINE Kaufempfehlung. Probiert es aus, wenn ihr es kostenlos bekommen habt.

EDIT: Achja, auch wenn ihr Solo spielt, kann es passieren, dass ihr gegen Teams spielt, was richtig unfair ist, wenn 2-3 Leute auf euch zuwackeln, ihr einen down bekommt, der andere euch aber killt und ihn wiederbelebt. Top Balance in einem bereits unbalanced Game.

7/10 Frustfaktor
Posted 12 June, 2018. Last edited 12 June, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
565.7 hrs on record (75.7 hrs at review time)
It's a Masterpiece 10/10. Absolute recommendation if you like a more slower approach to an RPG, with turn-based combat, a lot to explore and especially if you love putting together funny, interesting skill-builds on characters to add to the replayability.
+Coop so you can explore with your friends.

Posted 18 February, 2018. Last edited 16 March, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
22.0 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
If you throw together Age Of Empires, Empire Earth and add a little bit of Civilisation to it, you get this MASTAHPIECE.
I don't know anything about the campaign to be honest, but no one really plays them or more than once, am I right? You get this game for the skrimish, against CPU or other Players. Rounds are relativly fast, if you compare it to the other 3 games i mentioned before. I usually sit 1h-1,5h for a game.
I often played it with a friend of mine as a Lan-party-game, which really fun. So I spent quite a while in it.

Negative aspects I would consider the lack of Nations. There are not many, really not if you compare it to AoE2. So I hope, they might do DLCs like they did years and years after the original AoE2 release.
Another quite funny fact, which I consider quite negative is the fact, that on the Hardcover of the Game, which I bought years ago, they printed a screenshot of AoE2 (again this game, why have they so much in common?!) on it. I realised it cause i bought both of them at the same time and you can tell, if you see the same 2 pictures on 2 different games, lol.

Tl;Dr buy that sht and get your friends to buy it too for max. funtime.
Posted 30 November, 2017.
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