Alejandro @cybertouristgg   Ukraine
:chaos: :VBCOOL: Since 01.01.2011 :VBCOOL: :chaos:
:exalted: My PSN profile: cybertourist0536
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►Date of registration: 01.01.2011 :bfmedal: :csgoglobe:
20 июля 2011 г.
8:54 - [ Walk Away ]: hi
8:54 - Bodyguard Scrat: Hey.
8:54 - Bodyguard Scrat: Sultans for Capper?
8:54 - [ Walk Away ]: idk
8:54 - [ Walk Away ]: dont like
8:54 - [ Walk Away ]: sultan
8:55 - Bodyguard Scrat: ♥♥♥♥ YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ COMMUNIST ♥♥♥♥ YOU
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Captain Westwind 19 nov, 2021 @ 16:45 
When seconds count, the law is only minutes away.
Captain Westwind 5 nov, 2021 @ 18:29 
Fatsos don't care about their diabetes, smokers don't care about their black lungs and degenerates don't care about their filthy sexual diseases, why should YOU care about their health?
Captain Westwind 18 okt, 2021 @ 0:22 
Jamie Lee Curtis played a high school baby sitter when this crap started. Now the heroine is collecting social security and doing battle alongside her grandchildren.
Captain Westwind 22 sep, 2021 @ 17:10 
It was only a matter of days before the Frogs stop croaking.
Captain Westwind 8 sep, 2021 @ 2:48 
I used to be against abortion. After seeing so much degeneracy however, I now welcome it. The world would be much better if the stupid were crushed in the womb right away.
Captain Westwind 21 aug, 2021 @ 2:47 
Tesla bots are all fun and games until yours crashes into elderly Mrs. Fitch next door and explodes into a fireball. Personal injury lawsuits will never be the same!