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54.7 hrs on record
A very basic MMO RPG that does do basic very well, however, that gets boring and repetitive after a while even if it looks good. Missing some staple weapon options as well. Course haven't played in a while and there has been updates so who knows where it's at.
Posted 28 September, 2021. Last edited 13 September, 2024.
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80.4 hrs on record (30.6 hrs at review time)
I recommend this game if you like Mass Effect's feel. This game is worse than the original Trilogy but it's still a good game that brings forth that feel. Do expect bugs tho as the devs basically abandoned this game after fixing the worst ones. Good news is the only ones left are non game breaking for the most part. I've had to restart the game a few times on the last story mission.
Posted 11 November, 2020. Last edited 20 December, 2020.
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23.8 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
DO NOT BUY unless you plan on playing Zombies or playing the singleplayer, there is pretty much 0 nonmodded servers with hackers rampent. Also do not buy unless its on sale.
Posted 27 April, 2018. Last edited 27 April, 2018.
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5.7 hrs on record
Its still MW2 but give it a few years and it will just be like World at war with all the hackers and modded servers. Also do not buy unless its on sale.
Posted 27 April, 2018. Last edited 27 April, 2018.
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661.9 hrs on record (484.5 hrs at review time)
Fun game with great modes, though if you don't like heavy military simulators then you probably won't hate this but you definitely won't enjoy it.
Posted 27 April, 2018.
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13.2 hrs on record
Fun game to play with friends.
Posted 27 April, 2018.
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316.1 hrs on record (97.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Squad holds two of my favorate video game moments, I was on the US side and my squad leader ordered us to follow a friendly APC over a bridge into a city. We got across the bridge but when we got onto the streets on the otherside towlies popped up on roofs and came from side streeets, a handfull had rpgs. We exchanged fire and managed to save the APC from the RPGs, and after it seemed there was none left on the roofs I took point on clearing side streets, after that was clear we met back up with the apc on the street and moved to Mosque where it blew up and we held there for around 2 minutes until nackup arived with another one and we took Mosque while taking fire from the buildings across the street. The second time I was the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and the enemy APC was screwing us from across a field. I crawled through that field into the buildings next to it, I took out two straglers and placed an IED behind it. I quickly ran behind a wall and set it off *boom* and it was gone with a "Good Job" from Squad lead. 9/10 game only thing I can say bad about it is that it lacks variable/high zoom on the sniper rifle.
Posted 10 November, 2017. Last edited 27 April, 2018.
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181.0 hrs on record (168.3 hrs at review time)
PUBG is a great game across the board, but it has some problems bigger for some people that others. You can't come in contact with a streamer in a game or you might get banned for "stream sniping" but I don't think anyone knows how much they do that. Also sometimes this game just has ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ physics for example you cant shoot through fence or wire fence which is extremely annoying because at least wooden fence breaks after a few shots but the wire fence does not. This game also has performance issues but that is expected from an Early access game just make sure you meet the recommended requirements and it should be enjoyable. Also I think if a car going max speed hits a wire fence it should break.
Posted 7 October, 2017. Last edited 27 April, 2018.
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1,044.1 hrs on record (626.8 hrs at review time)
Garry's Mod, want a sandbox game with an endless about of mods and modes? Then this is the game for you, but some servers might not be the way you like it (community and rules/admin wise) so be careful where you go and invest your time.
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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