1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
8.1 timer siste to uker / 1,891.9 timer totalt (1,679.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert: 8. des. 2020 kl. 15.39
Oppdatert: 22. mai kl. 7.36

As my first FPS game, cs2 was a bit overwhelming. I soon started to gain skills like aiming at head level. Before I knew it, I was performing лучше and better. I stopped making silly ошибки and я got vastly better at not умирающий to the enemy игроки. For the наиболее part, everyone I've met was helpful and хороший, there есть the иногда рывок however. As Я по-прежнему play cs2 все более и более, Я уверен, что я буду продолжать совершенствовать. Я рекомендую эту игру для всех!
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