
{SKEER} IFightForLove<3 tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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kayıtlarda 468.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 380.0 saat)
Oh my goodness. this game still blows my mind today. It's SO fun!


- Soothing, Epic adventure Music
- Console for fixing any in-game oddities
- Abseloutly stunning landscapes, you are going to want to explore it all
- High replayability
-Many Artifact weapons (With Jizztastic powers)
- A very in-depth storyline, with the choise to choose side
- So.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.. many places to explore.
- The Captivating island of Solstein, with a whole new, and unique enviorement
-LOTS of quests
- Very active community, with lots of good mods (tons of perverted ones too if you are into that sort of stuff)
- Large Deficulty range
-Possibilities to "mod" your char, by becomming a werewolf, Vampire, a.o.
-The ability to swim
-many puzzles (not too challanging though)
- Everything in the world can respawn(even items picked up)
-A Relaxing and inviting world, with chatty people.
- Ability to tame and fly around on a dragon (it flies for you, and you blast spells from it's back, or command it to attack/land where you choose) with minor diviations
- a wide selection of Thu'ms (Dragonwords) which provides a versatile boost for almost any situation
-A need "quickselect menu" on default hotkey Q, which lets you switch between selected items without enter inventory
-wide variety of "mini-lore" load screens
- Mix the funniest and wierdest potions (Like poisons that paralyzes, or even heals enemies)
- a wide variety of reagents around the world, for you to collect, study, eat, and create from.
- a Personal bodyguard (whom i mostly use as a packing mule)
-The ability to turn off the sun, or make it Xplode with a special bow.
- Ability to buy houses, oreven build your own (With Hearthfire Xpansion)

-Option to go Legendary mode on all lvl 100 professions (completly removing lvl cap on your char)
-A BETHESDA Production
-Does contain bugs (never found a game-breaking one after buying retail game, otherwise console fixes it)
-Will get monotonous if you don't try Diffrent class types / Hero abilities
-Learning curve can be tricky if you are not putting time into learning how the game functions
-Dragons are sometimes a little too playful, or has no space to land near you
- Killing certain NPC's can break a storyline (only side-quest storylines though, Main story chars are immortal)
- No ability to kill children (Mod can fix that, i hear)
- No Dx10/11 possibilities
- No possibility to continue playing after game is completed (game ends, and you must load previous save to continue playing your save game), or start a new game.
-Changing class type(from mage to ranger ect), will prove very challanging when you've gained a decent level (Monsters scale with your lvl.)

I could go on, the cons are there, but minimal, and are HEAVILY outweighed by the Pros. This is no doubt one ofmy fav games of all time, the universe so so breathtaking and enchanting, that i will always be comming back to it, from time to time.'

I heartwarmingly RECCOMEND this game to everyone who enjoys adventures, exploring, being a total outlaw, or a white knight. This game offers the possibility to do so many things. The random encounters, the marauder packs that come to kill you for stealing, the ability to get thrown in prison and sneak your way out to recover your stuff, the ability to play with the societies or against them in game, the ability to be loyal or betray kings & Jarls, all this provides the game with elements, that will make your gaming expierence unique.

Even playable in Offline-mode with steam, for those Xtra rainy days where your internet provider has their Network towers fried by lightning. For me, the word that describes this game best is :

Perfect.. <3

One pro-tip: Learn the console command to revive dead people, if a dragon lands in a city and blasts the blacksmith, it will be quite annoying to goon without them.

If you notice much later on that they are just gone, or your follower is on "wait" command somewhere in the wildeness, use the teleport to player command.. I will however advice not to abuse this command. it can kill alot of atmosphefic times in the game. but good for bug fixing or game tweaking.

Yayınlanma 12 Ocak 2017.
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Yayınlanma 8 Temmuz 2011.
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