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Recent reviews by Hai Yena

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2.3 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
This game chooses its winners. You can be the best. You can see the coding on the wall. You can predict and modify the priorities you set on multiple targets while engaging the enemey in order to stay alive. you learned how to hide behind a verticle window seal. You've learned some Star-Road class techniques such as hiding behind window seals or predicting the enemy's movement as they go THROUGH a respawn cycle down to the second they show up around the corner.

But it all doesn't matter. You can be 15 steps ahead, pre-firing through a corner, and still be late to the shoot out on the kill cam that shows your pathetic death and the retarded amount of time some noob gets to see you. You also get to see a slow-ass reaction of them to your presence. You check the KDA sheet and some noob at a sub 1.0 KDA is wrecking you.

And people who have these gifts of a chosen connection who are actually somewhat..... good players. They sit in spawn and they don't move making it impossible for you to win by lagcompesnation which is acheived by shooting ahead of the sound that they don't make because they're not moving so the only way to solve that is REcon Pro with a Flashbang and a C4 to pre-empt the engagement 2 seconds before they have a chance to see you. BUt that's IF you can get past the team in front of them which that player uses as a Flesh-Sonar to detect you. So now you have to forgo killing the enemy team while sneaknig by just to have a chance at flash-recon-pro detecting / Pre-fire-C4ing them around a corner before they can react.

All some players need to do is press "W" and "M1" to win in this game without any actual thought put into the engagement or evolving thought as the engagement is unfolds.

And when you happen to get a match where you have the golden connection, anything you win is invalidated because now the opponent is behind you.

The level design is poor as @#%#!@. Every level.... Every level is a Square with a + drawn through it. No Thought in level design here. They just mailed it in.

They made it to where there are more instances of chokepoints that have 5+ intersecting lines of fire.

Respawning.... you can clear a set of rooms and an instant later someone shoots you in the back from 1 of those rooms where there was no one an instant ago.

You can be the best player in the world but this game says #@%@# you.
Posted 24 November, 2015.
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